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This code is a metric converter, it converts the lot.

by Jake Code (1 Submission)
Category: Custom Controls/Forms/Menus
Compatability: VB 6.0
Difficulty: Unknown Difficulty
Originally Published: Mon 18th December 2000
Date Added: Mon 8th February 2021
Rating: (1 Votes)

This code is a metric converter, it converts the lot.

API Declarations

'clicked everything on screen is cleared.'When the exit button is pressed the program is exited
'This is the code that coverts Kilometres to Miles
'The cString code tells the user what has been converted
'This is the code that coverts Litres to Imperial Gallons
'The cString code tells the user what has been converted
'This is the code that coverts Metres to Yards
'The cString code tells the user what has been converted
'This is the code that coverts Metres to Yards
'The cString code tells the user what has been converted
'This is the code that coverts Milimetres to Inches
'The cString code tells the user what has been converted
'This code contains all the information for the Start Up box
'Input box and icons. It also has all the code that stops the
'User from putting numbers higher than 32000.9999999 and it also
'stops the user from putting a number such as - 40. And it stops
'letters from being entered aswell.

Rate This code is a metric converter, it converts the lot.

Dim sInput, sOutput As Single
Dim vInput As Variant
Dim lInputFlag, lInputflag2, lloopflag As Boolean
Dim cString1, Cstring2, cString3, cString4, cString5 As String
Dim cInput1, cInput2, cOutput As String

Private Sub cmdClear_Click()

    lblOutput = ""
    cmdMetres.Visible = False
    cmdKilometres.Visible = False
    cmdMillimetres.Visible = False
    cmdGallons.Visible = False
    cmdClear.Visible = False
    cmdStart.Visible = True
End Sub

Private Sub cmdExit_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub cmdKilometres_Click()

    sOutput = sInput / 0.625
    sOutput = Round(sOutput, 2)
    lblOutput = sOutput
    Cstring2 = " Kilometres "
    cString1 = CStr(sInput)
    cString4 = CStr(sOutput)
    cString5 = " Miles. "
    cString3 = " represents "
    lblOutput = cString1 + Cstring2 + cString3 + cString4 _
    + cString5
End Sub

Private Sub cmdGallons_Click()

    sOutput = sInput * 0.225
    sOutput = Round(sOutput, 2)
    lblOutput = sOutput
    Cstring2 = " Litres "
    cString1 = CStr(sInput)
    cString4 = CStr(sOutput)
    cString5 = " Imperial gallons. "
    cString3 = " Represents "
    lblOutput = cString1 + Cstring2 + cString3 + cString4 _
    + cString5
End Sub

Private Sub cmdMetres_Click()

    sOutput = sInput * 1.08
    sOutput = Round(sOutput, 2)
    lblOutput = sOutput
    Cstring2 = " Metres "
    cString1 = CStr(sInput)
    cString4 = CStr(sOutput)
    cString5 = " Yards. "
    cString3 = " Represents "
    lblOutput = cString1 + Cstring2 + cString3 + cString4 _
    + cString5
End Sub

Private Sub cmdMillimetres_Click()

    sOutput = sInput / 25.4
    sOutput = Round(sOutput, 2)
    lblOutput = sOutput
    Cstring2 = " Millimetres "
    cString1 = CStr(sInput)
    cString4 = CStr(sOutput)
    cString5 = " Inches. "
    cString3 = " Represents "
    lblOutput = cString1 + Cstring2 + cString3 + cString4 _
    + cString5
End Sub

    Private Sub cmdStart_Click()

    lInputFlag = True
    lInputflag2 = True
    Do While lInputFlag = True
        vInput = InputBox("Please enter your number...", " Enter Input")
        If IsNumeric(vInput) Then
            If vInput > 0 Then
                If vInput > 32000.9999999 Then
                   MsgBox "Your input was to high"
                   lInputFlag = False
                End If
              MsgBox "Your input was to Low"
            End If
            MsgBox "Your input wasn't a number....", vbOKOnly, "Non-numeric Input"
            lInputflag2 = False
            lInputFlag = False
        End If
    If lInputflag2 = True Then
        sInput = CSng(vInput)
        cmdMetres.Visible = True
        cmdMillimetres.Visible = True
        cmdKilometres.Visible = True
        cmdGallons.Visible = True
        cmdClear.Visible = True
        cmdStart.Visible = False
    End If

End Sub


Private Sub Form_Load()

        cmdMetres.Visible = False
        cmdMillimetres.Visible = False
        cmdKilometres.Visible = False
        cmdGallons.Visible = False
        cmdClear.Visible = False
        cmdStart.Visible = True
End Sub


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