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This code generates a thumbnail of a picture in most easy way. No API or OCX is used.

by Mohd Muzaffar Zargar (1 Submission)
Category: Graphics
Compatability: VB 6.0
Difficulty: Unknown Difficulty
Originally Published: Tue 4th September 2001
Date Added: Mon 8th February 2021
Rating: (1 Votes)

This code generates a thumbnail of a picture in most easy way. No API or OCX is used.

API Declarations

Please note that you must have the AUTOREDRAW property for the picturebox showing the thumbnail set to TRUE

Rate This code generates a thumbnail of a picture in most easy way. No API or OCX is used.

'In my program "picThumb" is the picturebox to display the thumnail while as 'pic1 is the hidden picturebox to load pictures

Private Sub thumbGenerateStatus()
'On Error Resume Next
'Generate thumbnail images of larger images
    Dim dw, sw, dh, sh, newsh, newsw

    sw = pic1.Width
    sh = pic1.Height

    dw = picThumb.Width
    dh = picThumb.Height

    If pic1.Height < picThumb.Height And pic1.Width < picThumb.Width Then
      Dim centerX, centerY As Integer
      'if Source picture is smaller than the destination thumnail then just paint and center it on thumnail
      centerX = (picThumb.Width - pic1.Width) / 2
      centerY = (picThumb.Height - pic1.Height) / 2
      picThumb.PaintPicture pic1.Picture, centerX, centerY
      newsw = pic1.Picture.Width
      newsh = pic1.Picture.Height
    Else 'If the source dimensions are bigger than the thumbnail then adjust the height and with proportionately
        If sw > sh Then
           newsw = dw
           newsh = Round(sh * (dw / sw))
            If newsh > dh Then
               newsh = dh
               newsw = (sw * (dh / sh))
           End If
           newsh = dh
           newsw = Round(sw * (dh / sh))
            If newsw > dw Then
               newsw = dw
               newsh = (sh * (dw / sw))
           End If
        End If
        Dim dx, dy
        picThumb.Picture = LoadPicture()
        picThumb.PaintPicture pic1.Picture, Round((dw - newsw) / 2), Round((dh - newsh) / 2), Round(newsw), Round(newsh)
    End If
    pic1.Picture = LoadPicture()

End Sub


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