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The ultimate contact management program. Tired of never remembering names or phone numbers of bisne

by Dany Elks (1 Submission)
Category: Miscellaneous
Compatability: Visual Basic 5.0
Difficulty: Unknown Difficulty
Originally Published: Sat 25th September 1999
Date Added: Mon 8th February 2021
Rating: (1 Votes)

The ultimate contact management program. Tired of never remembering names or phone numbers of bisnesses. The newest version Of a profesional

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Dimitriy Levitin
55 Winchester st. Ap.2
Medford,Mass, 02155

Rate The ultimate contact management program. Tired of never remembering names or phone numbers of bisne

Dim NumRecs, i As Integer
Dim S As String

    With CMDialog1
        .Filter = "Data File|*.lst"
        .InitDir = App.Path
        .DefaultExt = "*.lst"
        .DialogTitle = "Open File"
        .Action = 1
        DATAFILE = .Filename
        TITLEFILE = .FileTitle
    End With
    If DATAFILE = "" Then Exit Sub

    DataFileNum = FreeFile
    Open DATAFILE For Random As #DataFileNum Len = Len(Entry)

    Call ClearFields
    NumRecs = LOF(DataFileNum) / Len(Entry)
    For i = 1 To NumRecs
        Get #DataFileNum, i, Entry
        If Not Entry.Deleted Then
            S$ = Trim$(Entry.Company) ''+ ", " + Trim$(Entry.CName)
            ListOfNames.AddItem S$
            ListOfNames.ItemData(ListOfNames.NewIndex) = i
        End If
    frmMain.Caption = "Contact Manager v.2.0  -  " & TITLEFILE
    lblCount.Caption = "Record: " & (ListOfNames.ListIndex + 1) & " of " & ListOfNames.ListCount
    txtDateTime.ToolTipText = "Double Click to enter present Date/Time"

    If ListOfNames.ListCount > 0 Then ListOfNames.ListIndex = 0

Dim NumRecs, i As Integer

''============ Don't need it anymore ========
    If DATAFILE = "" Then
        MsgBox "There are no data to save on disk!", 64
        Exit Sub
    End If
    With CMDialog1
        .Filter = "Data File|*.lst"
        .InitDir = App.Path
        .DefaultExt = "*.lst"
        .DialogTitle = "Save As ..."
        .Action = 2
        NEWDATAFILE = .Filename
        TITLEFILE = .FileTitle
    End With
    If NEWDATAFILE = "" Then Exit Sub

    Open NEWDATAFILE For Random As #NEWDATAFILENUM Len = Len(Entry)

    NumRecs = LOF(DataFileNum) / Len(Entry)
    For i = 1 To NumRecs
        Get #DataFileNum, i, Entry
        If Not Entry.Deleted Then
            Put #NEWDATAFILENUM, , Entry
        End If
    frmMain.Caption = "Contact Manager v.2.0  -  " & TITLEFILE
    lblCount.Caption = "Record: " & (ListOfNames.ListIndex + 1) & " of " & ListOfNames.ListCount
''Update the list of the most recently opened files
''    UpdateFileMenu (NEWDATAFILE)
    DataFileNum = FreeFile
    Open DATAFILE For Random As #DataFileNum Len = Len(Entry)
    If ListOfNames.ListCount > 0 Then ListOfNames.ListIndex = 0

End Sub

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