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Textbox as memo field, textboxes, memo, capitalization and more to come...

by Agbon M. Aitanu (1 Submission)
Category: String Manipulation
Compatability: VB 6.0
Difficulty: Unknown Difficulty
Originally Published: Wed 16th November 2005
Date Added: Mon 8th February 2021
Rating: (1 Votes)

Textbox as memo field, textboxes, memo, capitalization and more to come...

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    ' ===================================================================
    ' Split or brake a line when a user presses the ENTER KEY
    ' inside a text box during text entering.
    ' Also Capitalize every other word after the spacebar key was pressed
    ' ===================================================================
       Dim position, _
            longstring, _
            whatchr, _
            Count, _
            Countinteger, _
       position = 1
       whatchr = " "
       longstring = Street_name.Text
       leftsideofthestring = Left(longstring, InStr(position, ((longstring)), whatchr))
       Do While InStr(position, ((longstring)), whatchr)
          Dim leftstring, midstring, rightstring
          position = InStr(position, longstring, whatchr) + 1
          Count = Count + 1
          If position <> 0 Then
             leftstring = Left(longstring, position - 1)
             midstring = UCase(Mid(longstring, position, 1))
             rightstring = Mid(longstring, position + 1, Len(longstring))
             longstring = leftstring & midstring & rightstring
          End If
       ' ========================================
       ' Change the first character to upper case
       ' if it is not already in upper case...
       ' ========================================
       longstring = UCase(Left(longstring, 1)) & Mid(longstring, 2, Len(longstring))
       Street_name.Text = longstring
End Sub

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