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Sending Email to multiple recipients using MAPI

by Sergei Lossev (2 Submissions)
Category: Miscellaneous
Compatability: Visual Basic 3.0
Difficulty: Unknown Difficulty
Date Added: Wed 3rd February 2021
Rating: (9 Votes)

It seems that a lot of people are having problems sending Email from VB to multiple people. Here's a procedure that should fix that.

EmailAddress is of the form "[email protected];[email protected]" and etc. Subject and MessageText are self explainatory.
You are gonna need a form with the two MAPI controls, named like in the code. The rest you should be able to get by yourself.
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Should work. It does on my computer :o)

Rate Sending Email to multiple recipients using MAPI

Public Sub SendEmail(sEmailAddress As String,sSubject as string, sMessageText as string)
  Dim sEmailExtracted As String
  Dim sEmailLeft As String
  Dim iRecipCount As Integer
  If Trim(sEmailAddress) = "" Then
      Goto SendMail_End
  End If
  sEmailLeft = Trim(sEmailAddress)
  ' set the mouse pointer to indicate the app is busy
  Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
  Do While MAPIlogon.SessionID = 0
    DoEvents ' need to wait until the new session is created
    With MAPIMessages1
      .MsgIndex = -1
      .SessionID = MAPIlogon.SessionID
      While sEmailLeft <> ""
        If InStr(1, sEmailLeft, ";") = 0 Then
          sEmailExtracted = sEmailLeft
          sEmailLeft = ""
          sEmailExtracted = Left(sEmailLeft, InStr(1, sEmailLeft, ";") - 1)
          sEmailLeft = Right(sEmailLeft, Len(sEmailLeft) - InStr(1, sEmailLeft, ";"))
        End If
        .RecipIndex = iRecipCount
        If iRecipCount = 0 Then
          .RecipType = mapToList
          .RecipType = mapCcList
        End If
        .RecipAddress = sEmailExtracted
        iRecipCount = iRecipCount + 1
      If iRecipCount = 0 Then GoTo SendMail_End
      .MsgSubject = sSubject
      .MsgNoteText = sMessageText      
    End With
  Screen.MousePointer = vbNormal
  Exit Sub
End Sub

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