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Sample ASP code for allowing a user to modify their password.

by Zahid (7 Submissions)
Category: Miscellaneous
Compatability: VB Script
Difficulty: Unknown Difficulty
Originally Published: Wed 5th April 2000
Date Added: Mon 8th February 2021
Rating: (1 Votes)

Sample ASP code for allowing a user to modify their password.

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<%option explicit%>

dim item
dim NewPassWord
dim OldPassWord
dim Email
dim ConfirmPassWord
dim SetPassWord
dim PassWord
dim oRs
dim Connection
dim vSql
dim Updated
dim strConn

for each item in Request.Form 
if item="e_mail" then
end if
if item="OldPassWord" then
end if
if item="NewPassWord" then
end if
if item="ConfirmPassWord" then
end if

if NewPassWord<>ConfirmPassWord then
Response.Redirect "ChangePassWord.asp"
end if

set connection=Server.CreateObject("AdoDB.Connection")
Connection.Open  "DSN=DbsName;uid=Admin;pwd="                
    set oRS=Server.CreateObject("AdoDB.RecordSet")
vSql = "SELECT Email,Passwd from Account" & _
            " WHERE Email='" & Email & "'"
oRs.Open vsql,connection, adOpenDynamic ,adLockOptimistic 
        If oRs.EOF <> True Then
            If oRs("PassWd") = OldPassWord Then
                oRs("PassWd") = NewPassWord
            End If
        End If

    set oRs=Nothing
    Set Connection=nothing

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