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Restore database(for Ms Access only)

by Esmael Telmosa (7 Submissions)
Category: Databases/Data Access/DAO/ADO
Compatability: VB.NET
Difficulty: Unknown Difficulty
Originally Published: Fri 16th June 2006
Date Added: Mon 8th February 2021
Rating: (1 Votes)

Restore database(for Ms Access only)

API Declarations

Dim CommondialogControl As Control

Rate Restore database(for Ms Access only)

    'Ask the filename of Back-Up
    CommondialogControl.Filter = "Back-Up Files(*.mdb)|*.mdb"
    'Set a deafault DIR
    CommondialogControl.InitDir = "C:\"
    'Display the Open Dialog Window
   On Error GoTo Opps
   'if  there is a filename selected
   If CommondialogControl.FileName <> "" Then
        'overwrites the existing Back-Up Files w/ the Copied One
'''''''''Overwrites strSource with CommondialogControl.Filename
         FileCopy CommondialogControl.FileName, StrSource
        'display the path and filename of database
        'Text1.Text = CommondialogControl.FileName
        'prompt to user that Restoration is successful...
        MsgBox "Restore Complete!", vbInformation, "RESTORE SUCCESSFUL"
   End If
   Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, " "
End Sub

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