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Resize controls in a form, when Maximize.

by Ubeimar Alonso Vergara (1 Submission)
Category: Custom Controls/Forms/Menus
Compatability: VB 6.0
Difficulty: Unknown Difficulty
Originally Published: Tue 21st December 1999
Date Added: Mon 8th February 2021
Rating: (1 Votes)

Resize controls in a form, when Maximize.

API Declarations

Public Ancho As Integer
Public Alto As Integer
Public AnchoActual As Integer
Public AltoActual As Integer
Public Maximizada As Boolean

'In LOAD event of the Form
Ancho = Me.Width
Alto = Me.Height
AnchoActual = Me.Width
AltoActual = Me.Height
Maximizada = False
'Or direct values, example: Ancho = 6000

'On RESIZE event of the Form
Call ValidarDimension Me

Rate Resize controls in a form, when Maximize.

Public Sub ValidarDimension(Forma As Form)
On Error Resume Next
    With Forma
        If .WindowState <> vbMinimized Then
            If .WindowState = vbMaximized Then
                .Maximizada = True
                RedimensionarForma Forma
            ElseIf .WindowState = vbNormal Then
                If .Maximizada Then RedimensionarForma Forma
                .Height = .Alto
                .Width = .Ancho
                .Maximizada = False
                Exit Sub
            End If
        End If
    End With
End Sub

Public Sub RedimensionarForma(Forma As Form)
    Dim FactorX As Double
    Dim FactorY As Double
    Dim FactorFuente As Double
    Dim Indice As Integer
    Dim I As Integer
    FactorX = Forma.Width / Forma.AnchoActual
    FactorY = Forma.Height / Forma.AltoActual
    FactorFuente = (FactorX + FactorY) / 2
    With Forma
        For Indice = 0 To .Count - 1
            .Controls(Indice).Left = .Controls(Indice).Left * FactorX
            .Controls(Indice).Top = .Controls(Indice).Top * FactorY
            .Controls(Indice).Width = .Controls(Indice).Width * FactorX
            If Not TypeOf .Controls(Indice) Is ComboBox Then
                .Controls(Indice).Height = .Controls(Indice).Height * FactorY
            End If
            If TypeOf .Controls(Indice) Is MSFlexGrid Then
                For I = 0 To .Controls(Indice).Cols - 1
                    .Controls(Indice).ColWidth(I) = .Controls(Indice).ColWidth(I) * FactorX
            End If
            .Controls(Indice).FontSize = .Controls(Indice).FontSize * FactorFuente
    End With
    Forma.AnchoActual = Forma.Width
    Forma.AltoActual = Forma.Height
End Sub

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