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Real Estate Commission Finder. Enter the selling price of a house and find out how much commission

by Prince Valiant (6 Submissions)
Category: Math/Dates
Compatability: VB 6.0
Difficulty: Unknown Difficulty
Originally Published: Mon 28th August 2000
Date Added: Mon 8th February 2021
Rating: (1 Votes)

Real Estate Commission Finder. Enter the selling price of a house and find out how much commission the real estate agent is getting.

Rate Real Estate Commission Finder. Enter the selling price of a house and find out how much commission

'displays the 3% commission if you're the listing
'agent but not the selling agent.
Txt2.Text = (Txt1.Text * 0.03)
End Sub

Private Sub cmd_re2_Click()
'displays the 6% commission if you're the listing
'agent and the selling agent. (double bubble)
Txt3.Text = (Txt1.Text * 0.06)
End Sub

Private Sub cmd_re3_Click()
'displays tdhe difference from 6%-3%
Txt4.Text = Val(Txt3.Text - Txt2.Text)
End Sub

Private Sub cmd_re4_Click()
'yes. i actually made this. displays when last accessed.
MsgBox "Created by Prince Valiant. Copyright 2000. Last accessed at " & Time & Date
'displays timer
MsgBox Timer & " seconds left in the day."
End Sub

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