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Philippines-based Computer rental system. Complete with timers and billing charges It features a Co

by by the name of "CristofferMarx (1 Submission)
Category: Custom Controls/Forms/Menus
Compatability: VB 6.0
Difficulty: Unknown Difficulty
Originally Published: Wed 16th March 2005
Date Added: Mon 8th February 2021
Rating: (1 Votes)

Philippines-based Computer rental system. Complete with timers and billing charges It features a Counter (for Play 'n Pay modes), a countdown

API Declarations

'Written by : Kristopher Mark S. Advincula
' : [email protected]
'Project Started : December 18, 2004
'Project Completed : February 24, 2005
'Tittle : Cyber Computer Timer (Computer Rental System)
' : Microsystems Institute of Technology
' : Daet, Camarines Norte, Philippines
' : AY 2004 - 2005

' -This is only a part of the project.
' -The timer has 2 modes, Play'n Pay & Time mode.
' -Play 'n pay (Open Session) is a counter which counts time usage
' -Time mode is a countdown timer with pre-set time codes
' -It calculates your usage and compute your bill
' -I also included a voice (pre-recorded voices) prompt to this project, but they are deactivated,
' to activate them, just de-comment all neccessary parameters
' -Hope this project will help a lot to novice VB programmers
' -For comments & suggestions, email me at [email protected]

'== This for playing a .Wav file as an alram ==
'Private Declare Function sndPlaySound Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "sndPlaySoundA" _
'(ByVal lpszSoundName As String, ByVal uFlags As Long) As Long
'Dim fileName As String
'== Discount ==
Dim rdis As Integer
Dim idis As Integer
'== Billing for LAN ==
Dim r15 As Single
Dim r30 As Single
Dim r40 As Single
Dim r1 As Single
Dim r1up As Single
'== Billing for Online ==
Dim i15 As Single
Dim i30 As Single
Dim i40 As Single
Dim i1 As Single
Dim i1up As Single
'== For PC5 ==
Dim today5 As Date
Dim oras5 As Date
Dim hrs5 As Integer
Dim mins5 As Integer
Dim secs5 As Integer
Dim minuse5 As Integer
Dim hruse5 As Integer
Dim mbr5 As Integer
Dim hbr5 As Integer
Dim mbi5 As Integer
Dim hbi5 As Integer
Dim tbr5 As Single
Dim tbi5 As Single
Dim hb5 As Integer
Dim mb5 As Integer

Rate Philippines-based Computer rental system. Complete with timers and billing charges It features a Co

'Setting Timer intervals
    clctimer.Interval = 1000
        Timer5.Interval = 1000
'initializing countdown timers
Timer5.Enabled = False
    hrs5 = 0
    mins5 = 0
    secs5 = 0
    oras5 = 0
'setting countdown limits
    cmbhrs5.AddItem "5"
    cmbhrs5.AddItem "4"
    cmbhrs5.AddItem "3"
    cmbhrs5.AddItem "2"
    cmbhrs5.AddItem "1"
    cmbhrs5.AddItem "0"
    cmbmins5.AddItem "40"
    cmbmins5.AddItem "30"
    cmbmins5.AddItem "15"
    cmbmins5.AddItem "0"

'declaration of values for billings
r15 = Val(rs15.Text)
r30 = Val(rs30.Text)
r40 = Val(rs40.Text)
r1 = Val(rs1.Text)
r1up = Val(rs1up.Text)
i15 = Val(is15.Text)
i30 = Val(is30.Text)
i40 = Val(is40.Text)
i1 = Val(is1.Text)
i1up = Val(is1up.Text)

cn5.Text = " - Ready! -"
End Sub

Private Sub gensetdef_Click()
'this will load general setting defaults
rs15.Text = "5"
rs30.Text = "8"
rs40.Text = "10"
rs1.Text = "15"
rs1up.Text = "10"

is15.Text = "10"
is30.Text = "15"
is40.Text = "20"
is1.Text = "25"
is1up.Text = "20"
End Sub

Private Sub gensetok_Click()
'This save changes in the general settings
r15 = Val(rs15.Text)
r30 = Val(rs30.Text)
r40 = Val(rs40.Text)
r1 = Val(rs1.Text)
r1up = Val(rs1up.Text)
i15 = Val(is15.Text)
i30 = Val(is30.Text)
i40 = Val(is40.Text)
i1 = Val(is1.Text)
i1up = Val(is1up.Text)
'This will check for if the designated value for each time code is applicable
If r1 < r40 Or r40 < r30 Or r30 < r15 Or i1 < i40 Or i40 < i30 Or i30 < i15 Or rs1up.Text = "0" Or is1up.Text = "0" Then
    If MsgBox("Invalid value designation! or Letters don't have numeric value,Restoring defaults.", vbOKOnly + vbCritical) = vbOK Then
    rs15.Text = "5"
    rs30.Text = "8"
    rs40.Text = "10"
    rs1.Text = "15"
    rs1up.Text = "10"
    is15.Text = "10"
    is30.Text = "15"
    is40.Text = "20"
    is1.Text = "25"
    is1up.Text = "20"
    End If
genset.Visible = False
pc5.Enabled = True
settingform.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub

Private Sub clctimer_Timer()
'shows system clock
offtime.Caption = Format(Time, "h:mm:ss AM/PM")
End Sub

Private Sub exitform_Click()
'This will exit the program
'This option will disable "Exit" if a timer is running
If cmdset5.Enabled = False Then
    If MsgBox("Stop all active Timers first before quitting!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation) = vbOK Then
    End If
'Confirmatory exit
    If MsgBox("Do you want to Exit?", vbYesNo + vbCritical) = vbYes Then
        'fileName = "C:\cyrix\exit.Wav"
        'sndPlaySound fileName, 0
    End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub settingform_Click()
'This will load General setting menu
If cmdcan5.Enabled = True Then
    If MsgBox("Stop all timers before setting options!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation) = vbOK Then
    End If
    If MsgBox("Reminder! Input only numeric figures. Although letter will still be accepted, it may give you incorrect 'Billing'.", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation) = vbOK Then
        'fileName = "C:\cyrix\load.Wav"
        'sndPlaySound fileName, 0
    genset.Visible = True
    pc5.Enabled = False
    settingform.Enabled = False
    End If
End If
End Sub

'========== PC5 PC5 PC5 ==============================================================
Private Sub cmdcan5_Click()
'Cancelation or Deactivation or Stopping of timers
If MsgBox("Stop this timer?", vbYesNo + vbExclamation) = vbYes Then
    cmdcan5.Enabled = False
    'fileName = "C:\cyrix\deact.Wav"
    'sndPlaySound fileName, 0

    'for Play 'n play
    If setopn5.Value = True Then
        today5 = Now
        out5.Text = Format(today5, "hh:mm")
        If TimeValue(in5.Text) > TimeValue(out5.Text) Or TimeValue(in5.Text) = TimeValue(out5.Text) Then
            hr5.Text = "Invalid"
            min5.Text = "Time"
            cmdres5.Enabled = True
            cmdres5.Caption = "Reset"
            diff = TimeValue(out5.Text) - TimeValue(in5.Text)
            hourdiff = Hour(diff)
            mindiff = Minute(diff)
            hr5.Text = hourdiff
            min5.Text = mindiff
            cmdres5.Enabled = True
        End If
        minuse5 = Val(min5.Text)
        hruse5 = Val(hr5.Text)
            If lan5.Value = True Then
                Select Case hruse5
                    Case 1
                        hbr5 = hruse5 * r1
                    Case Is > 1
                        rdis = r1 - r1up
                        hbr5 = (hruse5 * r1up) + rdis
                    Case Else
                        hbr5 = 0
                End Select
                Select Case minuse5
                    Case 1 To 7
                        mbr5 = (r15 / 2) + 0.5
                    Case 8 To 15
                        mbr5 = r15
                    Case 16 To 23
                        mbr5 = (((r30 - r15) / 2) + r15) + 0.5
                    Case 24 To 30
                        mbr5 = r30
                    Case 31 To 35
                        mbr5 = (((r40 - r30) / 2) + r30) + 0.5
                    Case 36 To 40
                        mbr5 = r40
                    Case 41 To 50
                        mbr5 = (((r1 - r40) / 2) + r40) + 0.5
                    Case 51 To 59
                        mbr5 = r1
                    Case Else
                        mbr5 = 0
                End Select
                tbr5 = hbr5 + mbr5
                due5.Text = Format(tbr5, "###,###.#0")
            Else: onl5.Value = True
                Select Case hruse5
                    Case 1
                        hbi5 = hruse5 * i1
                    Case Is > 1
                        idis = i1 - i1up
                        hbi5 = (hruse5 * i1up) + idis
                    Case Else
                        hbi5 = 0
                End Select
                Select Case minuse5
                    Case 1 To 7
                        mbi5 = (i15 / 2) + 0.5
                    Case 8 To 15
                        mbi5 = i15
                    Case 16 To 23
                        mbi5 = (((i30 - i15) / 2) + i15) + 0.5
                    Case 24 To 30
                        mbi5 = i30
                    Case 31 To 35
                        mbi5 = (((i40 - i30) / 2) + i30) + 0.5
                    Case 36 To 40
                        mbi5 = i40
                    Case 41 To 50
                        mbi5 = (((i1 - i40) / 2) + i40) + 0.5
                    Case 51 To 59
                        mbi5 = i1
                    Case Else
                        mbi5 = 0
                End Select
                tbi5 = hbi5 + mbi5
                due5.Text = Format(tbi5, "###,###.#0")
                cmdcan5.Enabled = False
            End If
    'for countdown timer
    Else: setlim5.Value = True
        Timer5.Enabled = False
        cmdres5.Enabled = True
        minuse5 = Val(min5.Text)
        hruse5 = Val(hr5.Text)
            If lan5.Value = True Then
                Select Case hruse5
                    Case 1
                        hbr5 = hruse5 * r1
                    Case Is > 1
                        rdis = r1 - r1up
                        hbr5 = (hruse5 * r1up) + rdis
                    Case Else
                        hbr5 = 0
                End Select
                Select Case minuse5
                    Case 15
                        mbr5 = r15
                    Case 30
                        mbr5 = r30
                    Case 40
                        mbr5 = r40
                    Case Else
                        mbr5 = 0
                End Select
                tbr5 = hbr5 + mbr5
                due5.Text = Format(tbr5, "###,###.#0")
            Else: onl5.Value = True
                Select Case hruse5
                    Case 1
                        hbi5 = hruse5 * i1
                    Case Is > 1
                        idis = i1 - i1up
                        hbi5 = (hruse5 * i1up) + idis
                    Case Else
                        hbi5 = 0
                End Select
                Select Case minuse5
                    Case 15
                        mbi5 = i15
                    Case 30
                        mbi5 = i30
                    Case 40
                        mbi5 = i40
                    Case Else
                        mbi5 = 0
                End Select
                tbi5 = hbi5 + mbi5
                due5.Text = Format(tbi5, "###,###.#0")
                cmdcan5.Enabled = False
            End If
    End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdres5_Click()
cmdset5.Enabled = True
cmdres5.Enabled = False
hr5.Text = ""
min5.Text = ""
in5.Text = ""
out5.Text = ""
cn5.Text = "- Ready! -"
in5.BackColor = &H80000005
cn5.BackColor = &H80000005
cn5.ForeColor = &H0&
due5.Text = ""
cmbhrs5.Text = ""
cmbmins5.Text = ""
lan5.Value = True
setopn5.Value = True
cmdres5.Caption = "Paid"
End Sub
Private Sub cmdset5_Click()
'Setting the timer
set5.Visible = True
cus5.Text = "- Customer's Name -"
cmbhrs5.Text = "0"
cmbmins5.Text = "0"
pc5.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub setcan5_Click()
'cancellation of timers
set5.Visible = False
pc5.Enabled = True
setopn5.Value = True
lan5.Value = True
End Sub
Private Sub setlim5_Click()
'counter guard for countdown during Play 'n pay
limit5.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub setstr5_Click()
'setted timer
'Play 'n Pay
If cus5.Text = "- Customer's Name -" Or cus5.Text = "" Then
        If MsgBox("Please enter your customer's name", vbOKOnly) = vbOK Then
         setopn5.Value = True
        End If
    If setopn5.Value = True Then
        today5 = Now
        in5.Text = Format(today5, "hh:mm")
        out5.Text = "Play 'n Pay"
        pc5.Enabled = True
        cmdset5.Enabled = False
        cmdcan5.Enabled = True
        set5.Visible = False
        cn5.Text = cus5.Text
        'fileName = "C:\cyrix\act.Wav"
        'sndPlaySound fileName, 0
    Else: setlim5.Value = True
        hrs5 = Val(cmbhrs5.Text)
        mins5 = Val(cmbmins5.Text)
        secs5 = 0
        If cmbhrs5.Text = "0" And cmbmins5.Text = "0" And secs5 = 0 Or hrs5 > 12 Or mins5 > 59 Then
            If MsgBox("Please enter a valid time.", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation) = vbOK Then
            setopn5.Value = True
            End If
            'this will covert time codes to time serials
            hr5.Text = cmbhrs5.Text
            min5.Text = cmbmins5.Text
            oras5 = TimeSerial(hrs5, mins5, secs5)
            Timer5.Enabled = True
            set5.Visible = False
            today5 = Now
            in5.Text = Format(today5, "hh:mm AM/PM")
            pc5.Enabled = True
            cmdcan5.Enabled = True
            cmdset5.Enabled = False
            cn5.Text = cus5.Text
            'fileName = "C:\cyrix\act.Wav"
            'sndPlaySound fileName, 0
        End If
    End If
End If
limit5.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub Timer5_Timer()
'this will compute for countdiown timer
Timer5.Enabled = False
    If (Format$(oras5, "hh") & ":" & Format$(oras5, "nn") & ":" & Format$(oras5, "ss")) <> "00:00:00" Then
        oras5 = DateAdd("s", -1, oras5)
        out5.Visible = False
        out5.Text = Format$(oras5, "hh") & ":" & Format$(oras5, "nn") & ":" & Format$(oras5, "ss")
        out5.Visible = True
        Timer5.Enabled = True
        If out5.Text = "00:05:00" Then
            in5.BackColor = &H8000&
        End If
        If out5.Text = "00:01:00" Then
            in5.BackColor = &H80FF&
            'fileName = "C:\cyrix\warn.Wav"
            'sndPlaySound fileName, 0
        End If
        Timer5.Enabled = False
        out5.BackColor = &H80000005
        out5.Text = "Time Out!"
        cn5.BackColor = &HFF&
        cn5.ForeColor = &H80000005
        cmdcan5.Enabled = False
        cmdres5.Enabled = True
        'fileName = "C:\cyrix\pc5.Wav"
        'sndPlaySound fileName, 0
        minuse5 = Val(min5.Text)
        hruse5 = Val(hr5.Text)
            If lan5.Value = True Then
                Select Case hruse5
                    Case 1
                        hbr5 = hruse5 * r1
                    Case Is > 1
                        rdis = r1 - r1up
                        hbr5 = (hruse5 * r1up) + rdis
                    Case Else
                        hbr5 = 0
                End Select
                Select Case minuse5
                    Case 15
                        mbr5 = r15
                    Case 30
                        mbr5 = r30
                    Case 40
                        mbr5 = r40
                    Case Else
                        mbr5 = 0
                End Select
                tbr5 = hbr5 + mbr5
                due5.Text = Format(tbr5, "###,###.#0")
            Else: onl5.Value = True
                Select Case hruse5
                    Case 1
                        hbi5 = hruse5 * i1
                    Case Is > 1
                        idis = i1 - i1up
                        hbi5 = (hruse5 * i1up) + idis
                    Case Else
                        hbi5 = 0
                End Select
                Select Case minuse5
                    Case 15
                        mbi5 = i15
                    Case 30
                        mbi5 = i30
                    Case 40
                        mbi5 = i40
                    Case Else
                        mbi5 = 0
                End Select
                tbi5 = hbi5 + mbi5
                due5.Text = Format(tbi5, "###,###.#0")
                cmdcan5.Enabled = False
            End If
   End If
End Sub

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