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Misc. Coding (Hot)

by Infra (7 Submissions)
Category: Miscellaneous
Compatability: Visual Basic 3.0
Difficulty: Intermediate
Date Added: Wed 3rd February 2021
Rating: (38 Votes)

This code is made for newbies and veterans alike who need lots of different codes fast. It has: FileSave, FileOpen, ListSave, ListOpen, MakeDir, DeleteDir, DelFilesInDir, MoveFile, CopyFile, DeleteFile, ExecuteFile, Encrypt, Decrypt, BitEncrypt, BitDecrypt, DisableCtrlAltDel, EnableCtrlAltDel, HideCtrlAltDel, ShowCtrlAltDel, OpenCD, CloseCD, PrintBlankPage, PrintText (prints Text out of the default printer) MakeStartupReg, AddToStartupDir, MakeRegFile, Ontop, Notontop, InvisibleForm, HoleInForm, ClipboardCopy, ClipboardGet, ClearClipboard, Ping (ICMP), ConvertIPAddressToLong, Add, Subtract, Divide, Multiply, ToPower, ToRoot, FractionToDecimal, DecimalToPercentage, AreaOfCircle, Circumference, AreaOfSquare, PerimeterOfSquare, PerimeterOfRectangle, AreaOfRectangle, AreaOfTriangle, PerimeterOfTriangle, PerimeterOf4SidedPolygon, VolumeOfCube, VolumeOfPrism, VolumeOfSphere, VolumeOfPyramid, VolumeOfCone, VolumeOfCylinder, 2 and 3 color HTML, Yahoo! Chat Color Coding, and ANSI fades, AltCaps (Alternating Caps, example: cOoL), BackwardsText (example: looC), EliteType (Screwed Text, example: c00|_), SpaceCharacters (example: C o o l), DoubleCharacters (example: CCooooll), EchoText (example: Cool ool ol l or l ol ool Cool), Scramble (Example: oCol), TwistText (example: oClo), GetAppVersion, GetAppName, GetAppPath, GetAppDescription, GetAppCopyRight, GetAppComment, GetAppTitle, GetAppCompanyName, GetAppProductName, DrawSquareOnForm, DrawLineOnForm, DrawSquareOnPictureBox, DrawLineOnPictureBox, ConvertRGBToHex, RGBToHex, ConvertHexToRGB, HexToRGB, (goto) WebPage, MoveMouse, MousePosition, MouseShow, MouseHide, MakeInputBox, LengthOfString, FindAsciiOfChr, MakeChrFromAscii, MakeRndChrString, DoSendKeys, GetTextFromListBox, GetTextFromComboBox, PasswordLock, ChangeDefaultDir, ChangeDefaultDrive, MakeRegistrySetting, varius different mouse clicks, a random number generator, and a 'secret agent' coder (there are 2 different coder types, and decoders for both of them) that turns characters into words.. Over 120 (127) subs , organized in sections (20 sections), with a 'table of contents' in the code and in a text file, a description and error handling with EVERY sub, NONE of them need any extra .ocx files, and there are NO forms; it is ALL source!! Please visit my webpage at: https://hfubb.cjb.net/

All you need to do with this code is to add it to a project. You need to know how to use subs in a .bas file, and some easy, general knowledge of vb (like when using ontop, you need to type 'Ontop Me', not just 'Ontop')

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