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Many of us would like to have Scripts or html pages which could be run OFFLINE on the clients PC wh

by Don Kennedy (1 Submission)
Category: Internet/HTML
Compatability: VB Script
Difficulty: Unknown Difficulty
Originally Published: Sun 11th March 2001
Date Added: Mon 8th February 2021
Rating: (1 Votes)

Many of us would like to have Scripts or html pages which could be run OFFLINE on the clients PC when they are NOT connected to the internet.

API Declarations

// Returns:This example just uses an ALERT BOX when the Browser is offline. you
// can replace that with any logic you wish
// , or just inform the person that they mu
// st be online to use your Page or Script.
// Assumes:Not only does this tell you i
// f the Client PC is ONLINE or OFFLINE it
// also tells you if the Client PC is Dial-
// up or High-Speed. This means you could a
// lso use this to determine Download optio
// ns if your visitor is accessing your sit
// e via a Slow speed dial-up line you coul
// d re-direct to pages with less images ju
// st for them so that pages would load fas
// ter for dial-up visitors. Neat huh.
No alert was added for this check however you can see that could be done very easily ;-)
// Side Effects:Joy to those of use whom
// needed a way to take a diffenert path su
// ch as getting Gifs, scripts from a direc
// tory on the users hard drive when the us
// er wishes to use our tools or applicatio
// ns offline and the HTML is pointing to a
// WEB Site for scripts of images.

Rate Many of us would like to have Scripts or html pages which could be run OFFLINE on the clients PC wh


MSIE\:CLIENTCAPS {behavior:url(#default#clientcaps)}


<body tabindex="-1">


<script language="JavaScript">

var str = document.all.idClCap.connectionType;

alert (str); 

        if (str == "lan")
                downloadSpeed = 800;     // good estimate for LAN - 800 KB/min
        else if (str == "offline")
                downloadSpeed = 100;    // default to modem speed if offline
isoffline = true;
                alert (document.all.idClCap.connectionType);
                downloadSpeed = 120;    // good estimate for 28.8kbps modem, 120 KB/min

alert (downloadSpeed); 


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