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Make it snow.

by Vicky j (5 Submissions)
Category: Graphics
Compatability: VB 6.0
Difficulty: Unknown Difficulty
Originally Published: Thu 23rd December 2004
Date Added: Mon 8th February 2021
Rating: (1 Votes)

Make it snow.

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'Put Three Picture Box and Name the third Picture box as "Picture4" 
' NOw Copy the following Codes and Paste it under ur App. And Enjoy the snow Fall"
' If Any diff Call @ [email protected]

Dim sfx(150), sfv(150), Ptimer, Ptimer1 'Removed the 300 Labels from Patrick Tucci Snow Code.
Private Sub Form_Load()
Picture2.Picture = Picture4.Picture
For sfvar = 0 To 150
sfx(sfvar) = Picture4.ScaleWidth * Rnd
sfv(sfvar) = Picture4.ScaleHeight * Rnd
Picture4.Circle (sfx(sfvar), sfv(sfvar)), 3, QBColor(15)
Next sfvar
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
If Timer < Ptimer + 0.03 Then Exit Sub 'make Animation independent of Computer Speed
Picture4.Cls: Picture2.Cls
For sfvar = 0 To 150
r = Int(Rnd * 50)
sfx(sfvar) = Val(sfx(sfvar)) + r
d = Int(Rnd * 50)
sfv(sfvar) = Val(sfv(sfvar)) + d
If sfx(sfvar) > Picture4.ScaleWidth Then
sfx(sfvar) = -5
End If
If sfv(sfvar) > Picture4.ScaleHeight Then
sfv(sfvar) = -5
End If
Picture4.Circle (sfx(sfvar), sfv(sfvar)), 3, QBColor(15)
Picture2.Circle (sfx(sfvar), sfv(sfvar)), 3, QBColor(15)
Next sfvar
Ptimer = Timer
If Timer > Ptimer1 + 1 Then
Picture1.PaintPicture Picture4.Image, 0, 0
Picture4.Picture = Picture1.Image
Ptimer1 = Timer
End If
End Sub

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