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Load a file with commas and everything.

by Denis Petrusenko (6 Submissions)
Category: Files/File Controls/Input/Output
Compatability: Visual Basic 5.0
Difficulty: Unknown Difficulty
Originally Published: Wed 5th June 2002
Date Added: Mon 8th February 2021
Rating: (1 Votes)

Load a file with commas and everything.

Rate Load a file with commas and everything.

 Dim FreeF As Integer
 Dim LocData() As Byte
 Dim LenData As Long
 Dim sendloop As Long
 Dim fD As String
 Const Chunk = 8192

 FreeF = FreeFile
 Open FileName For Binary As #FreeF
  ReDim LocData(1 To Chunk) As Byte
  LenData = FileLen(FileName)

  For sendloop = 1 To LenData \ Chunk
   Get #FreeF, , LocData
   fD = fD & MakeStr(LocData)

  If LenData Mod Chunk <> 0 Then
   ReDim LocData(1 To LenData Mod Chunk) As Byte
   Get #FreeF, , LocData
   fD = fD & MakeStr(LocData)
  End If
 Close #FreeF
 LoadFile = fD

End Function

Function MakeStr(b)
 Dim t As String
 For x = LBound(b) To UBound(b)
  t = t & Chr(b(x))
 MakeStr = t
End Function

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