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It is a powerball game and it works completley

by Seymor Butts (1 Submission)
Category: Games
Compatability: VB 6.0
Difficulty: Unknown Difficulty
Originally Published: Tue 18th February 2003
Date Added: Mon 8th February 2021
Rating: (1 Votes)

It is a powerball game and it works completley

API Declarations

Dim num1, num2, num3, num4, num5 As Integer
Dim pb As Integer
Dim U1, U2, U3, U4, U5, UPB As Integer
Dim wkount As Integer
Dim pbb As Boolean
Dim upot As Double
Dim jackpot As Double
Dim q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6 As Integer
Dim wwkount, llkount As Integer
Private Declare Function mciSendString Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "mciSendStringA" (ByVal lpstrCommand As String, ByVal lpstrReturnString As String, ByVal uReturnLength As Long, ByVal hwndCallback As Long) As Long
Dim lngReturn As Long
Dim strReturn As Long

Rate It is a powerball game and it works completley

End Sub

Private Sub cmdplay_Click()
lblupot.Visible = True
wkount = 0
pbb = False
upot = upot - 1
jackpot = jackpot + 5
lblupot.Caption = "You have $" & upot
lbljackpot.Caption = "$" & jackpot
Shape1.FillColor = vbWhite
shape2.FillColor = vbWhite
shape3.FillColor = vbWhite
shape4.FillColor = vbWhite
shape5.FillColor = vbWhite
shape6.FillColor = vbRed
Label1.Visible = True
Label2.Visible = True
Label3.Visible = True
Label4.Visible = True
Label5.Visible = True
Label6.Visible = True
num1 = Int(Rnd * 48) + 1
num2 = Int(Rnd * 48) + 1
    Loop Until num2 <> num1
num3 = Int(Rnd * 48) + 1
    Loop Until num3 <> num2 And num3 <> num1
num4 = Int(Rnd * 48) + 1
    Loop Until num4 <> num3 And num4 <> num2 And num4 <> num1
num5 = Int(Rnd * 48) + 1
    Loop Until num5 <> num4 And num5 <> num3 And num5 <> num2 And num5 <> num1
pb = Int(Rnd * 48) + 1
Label1.Caption = num1
Label2.Caption = num2
Label3.Caption = num3
Label4.Caption = num4
Label5.Caption = num5
Label6.Caption = pb
U1 = txtunum1.Text
U2 = txtunum2.Text
U3 = txtunum3.Text
U4 = txtunum4.Text
U5 = txtunum5.Text
UPB = txtpbnum.Text
If txtunum1 = Label1.Caption Then
    Shape1.FillColor = vbBlue
    wkount = wkount + 1
End If
If txtunum1 = Label2.Caption Then
    shape2.FillColor = vbBlue
    wkount = wkount + 1
End If
If txtunum1 = Label3.Caption Then
    shape3.FillColor = vbBlue
    wkount = wkount + 1
End If
If txtunum1 = Label4.Caption Then
    shape4.FillColor = vbBlue
    wkount = wkount + 1
End If
If txtunum1 = Label5.Caption Then
    shape5.FillColor = vbBlue
    wkount = wkount + 1
End If
If txtunum2 = Label1.Caption Then
    Shape1.FillColor = vbBlue
    wkount = wkount + 1
End If
If txtunum2 = Label2.Caption Then
    shape2.FillColor = vbBlue
    wkount = wkount + 1
End If
If txtunum2 = Label3.Caption Then
    shape3.FillColor = vbBlue
    wkount = wkount + 1
End If
If txtunum2 = Label4.Caption Then
    shape4.FillColor = vbBlue
    wkount = wkount + 1
End If
If txtunum2 = Label5.Caption Then
    shape5.FillColor = vbBlue
    wkount = wkount + 1
End If
If txtunum3 = Label1.Caption Then
    Shape1.FillColor = vbBlue
    wkount = wkount + 1
End If
If txtunum3 = Label2.Caption Then
    shape2.FillColor = vbBlue
    wkount = wkount + 1
End If
If txtunum3 = Label3.Caption Then
    shape3.FillColor = vbBlue
    wkount = wkount + 1
End If
If txtunum3 = Label4.Caption Then
    shape4.FillColor = vbBlue
    wkount = wkount + 1
End If
If txtunum3 = Label5.Caption Then
    shape5.FillColor = vbBlue
    wkount = wkount + 1
End If
If txtunum4 = Label1.Caption Then
    Shape1.FillColor = vbBlue
    wkount = wkount + 1
End If
If txtunum4 = Label2.Caption Then
    shape2.FillColor = vbBlue
    wkount = wkount + 1
End If
If txtunum4 = Label3.Caption Then
    shape3.FillColor = vbBlue
    wkount = wkount + 1
End If
If txtunum4 = Label4.Caption Then
    shape4.FillColor = vbBlue
    wkount = wkount + 1
End If
If txtunum4 = Label5.Caption Then
    shape5.FillColor = vbBlue
    wkount = wkount + 1
End If
If txtunum5 = Label1.Caption Then
    Shape1.FillColor = vbBlue
    wkount = wkount + 1
End If
If txtunum5 = Label2.Caption Then
    shape2.FillColor = vbBlue
    wkount = wkount + 1
End If
If txtunum5 = Label3.Caption Then
    shape3.FillColor = vbBlue
    wkount = wkount + 1
End If
If txtunum5 = Label4.Caption Then
    shape4.FillColor = vbBlue
    wkount = wkount + 1
End If
If txtunum5 = Label5.Caption Then
    shape5.FillColor = vbBlue
    wkount = wkount + 1
End If
If UPB = pb Then
    shape6.FillColor = vbBlue
    pbb = True
    End If
If pbb = True And wkount = 0 Then
    MsgBox "You win $3!"
    upot = upot + 3
    jackpot = jackpot - 3
    wwkount = wwkount + 1
ElseIf wkount = 1 And pbb = True Then
    MsgBox "You win $4!"
    upot = upot + 4
    jackpot = jackpot - 4
    wwkount = wwkount + 1
ElseIf wkount = 2 And pbb = True Then
    MsgBox "You win $7!"
    upot = upot + 7
    jackpot = jackpot - 7
    wwkount = wwkount + 1
ElseIf wkount = 3 And pbb = False Then
    MsgBox "You win $7!"
    upot = upot + 7
    jackpot = jackpot - 7
    wwkount = wwkount + 1
ElseIf wkount = 3 And pbb = True Then
    MsgBox "You win $100!"
    upot = upot + 100
    jackpot = jackpot - 100
    wwkount = wwkount + 1
ElseIf wkount = 4 And pbb = False Then
    MsgBox "You win $100!"
    upot = upot + 100
    jackpot = jackpot - 100
    wwkount = wwkount + 1
ElseIf wkount = 4 And pbb = True Then
    MsgBox "You win $5000!"
    upot = upot + 5000
    jackpot = jackpot - 5000
    wwkount = wwkount + 1
ElseIf wkount = 5 And pbb = False Then
    MsgBox "You win $100000"
    jackpot = jackpot - 100000
    upot = upot + 100000
    wwkount = wwkount + 1
ElseIf wkount = 5 And pbb = True Then
    MsgBox "You hit the jackpot!!!!"
    upot = upot + jackpot
    jackpot = jackpot - jackpot
    wwkount = wwkount + 1
End If
If jackpot <= 0 Then
    jackpot = 250000
End If
If wwkount = 0 Then
    llkount = llkount + 1
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Label1.Visible = False
Label2.Visible = False
Label3.Visible = False
Label4.Visible = False
Label5.Visible = False
Label6.Visible = False
jackpot = 250000
upot = 1000
lblupot.Visible = False
End Sub

Private Sub Label9_Click()
    MsgBox "Pick Your Numbers and Push the Play Button!!!!"
End Sub

Private Sub mnuclose_Click()
lngReturn = mciSendString("set CDAudio door closed", strReturn, 127, 0)

End Sub

Private Sub mnufileexit_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub mnulosses_Click()
    MsgBox "You have " & llkount & " losses!!"
End Sub

Private Sub mnuopen_Click()
lngReturn = mciSendString("set CDAudio door open", strReturn, 127, 0)
End Sub

Private Sub mnuoptionsquickpick_Click()
    q1 = Int(Rnd * 48) + 1
    txtunum1.Text = q1
    q2 = Int(Rnd * 48) + 1
    txtunum2.Text = q2
    Loop Until q2 <> q1
    q3 = Int(Rnd * 48) + 1
    txtunum3.Text = q3
    Loop Until q3 <> q2 And q3 <> q1
    q4 = Int(Rnd * 48) + 1
    txtunum4.Text = q4
    Loop Until q4 <> q3 And q4 <> q2 And q4 <> q1
    q5 = Int(Rnd * 48) + 1
    txtunum5.Text = q5
    Loop Until q5 <> q4 And q5 <> q3 And q5 <> q2 And q5 <> q1
    q6 = Int(Rnd * 48) + 1
    txtpbnum.Text = q6
End Sub

Private Sub mnuwins_Click()
    MsgBox "You have " & wwkount & " wins!!!"
End Sub

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