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Input data, Need help inputing date and correct code.

by anonymous (267 Submissions)
Category: Custom Controls/Forms/Menus
Compatability: VB 6.0
Difficulty: Unknown Difficulty
Originally Published: Sat 11th August 2001
Date Added: Mon 8th February 2021
Rating: (1 Votes)

Input data, Need help inputing date and correct code.

Rate Input data, Need help inputing date and correct code.

   Dim Message(10) As String

Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub cmdValidate_Click()
Dim i As Integer
txtDate = Date
End Sub

Message(0) = "Please Enter Date as mm/dd/yy or mm-dd-yy"
Message(1) = "Please Enter SSN as nnnnnnnnn"
Message(2) = "First Name is Required"
Message(3) = "Last Name is Required"
Message(4) = "City is Required"
Message(5) = "State is Required"
Message(6) = "Zip Code is Required"
Message(7) = "All entries correct"

lblMessage = ""

If Not IsDate(txtDate) Then
    lblMessage = Message(0)
    Exit Sub
End If

' check ssn

If txtSSN = "" Or Len(txtSSN) <> 9 Or Not IsNumeric(txtSSN) Then
    lblMessage = Message(1)
    Exit Sub
End If

' check names
If txtFirstName = "" Then
    lblMessage = Message(2)
    Exit Sub
End If

If txtLastName = "" Then
    lblMessage = Message(3)
    Exit Sub
End If

If txtCity = "" Then
    lblMessage = Message(4)
    Exit Sub
End If

If cboState = "" Then
    lblMessage = Message(5)
    Exit Sub
End If

If txtZip = "" Or Not IsNumeric(txtZip) Then
    lblMessage = Message(6)
    Exit Sub
End If

lblMessage = Message(7)

End Sub

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