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ImprovedGoAway Screen Wipe

by Jono Spiro (4 Submissions)
Category: Miscellaneous
Compatability: Visual Basic 3.0
Difficulty: Unknown Difficulty
Date Added: Wed 3rd February 2021
Rating: (38 Votes)

I just quickly improved this screen wipe function written by Jesse Foster.
It runs a bit smoother and is usable as a function for any form. Just drop it into a module. Also, I made it work so that it is 'public' not private.

'Screenwipe form to wipe, speed 'example: screenwipe form1,100

Rate ImprovedGoAway Screen Wipe

Public Function screenWipe(Form As Form, CutSpeed As Integer) As Boolean
 Dim OldWidth As Integer
 Dim OldHeight As Integer
 Form.WindowState = 0
 If CutSpeed <= 0 Then
 MsgBox "You cannot use 0 as a speed value"
 Exit Function
 End If
 OldWidth = Form.Width
 Form.Width = Form.Width - CutSpeed
 If Form.Width <> OldWidth Then
  Form.Left = Form.Left + CutSpeed / 2
 End If
 OldHeight = Form.Height
 Form.Height = Form.Height - CutSpeed
 If Form.Height <> OldHeight Then
  Form.Top = Form.Top + CutSpeed / 2
 End If
 Loop While Form.Width <> OldWidth Or Form.Height <> OldHeight
 Unload Form
End Function

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