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Import Office-2000 Animations into Your Custom Visual Basic Applications.

by Chandru.BK (1 Submission)
Category: Miscellaneous
Compatability: Visual Basic 5.0
Difficulty: Unknown Difficulty
Originally Published: Tue 7th November 2000
Date Added: Mon 8th February 2021
Rating: (1 Votes)

Import Office-2000 Animations into Your Custom Visual Basic Applications.

API Declarations

'To view the Screen shot of my Application Please Click on the link below.
<A href="http://www7.ewebcity.com/chandrubk/Download/mainform.png">www7.ewebcity.com/chandrubk/Download/mainform.png</A>

Public X As Word.Application

Rate Import Office-2000 Animations into Your Custom Visual Basic Applications.

Set X = CreateObject("Word.application")
X.Assistant.Visible = True
X.Assistant.Animation = msoAnimationAppear
End Sub

'Place the Toolbar Control named Toolbar1 on the Form and Add the Following buttons having the Key as follows: Add,Edit,Delete,Save,Cancel,First,Previous,

Public Sub Toolbar1_ButtonClick(ByVal Button As MSComctlLib.Button)
On Error Resume Next
X.Assistant.Visible = False
Select Case Button.Key
           Case ("Add")
                    X.Assistant.Visible = True
                    X.Assistant.Animation = msoAnimationWritingNotingSomething
            Case ("Edit")
                    X.Assistant.Visible = True
                    X.Assistant.Animation = msoAnimationWorkingAtSomething
            Case ("Delete")
                    X.Assistant.Visible = True
                    X.Assistant.Animation = msoAnimationEmptyTrash
            Case ("Save")
                    X.Assistant.Visible = True
                    X.Assistant.Animation = msoAnimationSaving
            Case ("Cancel")
                    X.Assistant.Visible = True
                    X.Assistant.Animation = msoAnimationDisappear
            Case ("First")
                    X.Assistant.Visible = True
                    X.Assistant.Animation = msoAnimationGestureLeft
            Case ("Previous")
                    X.Assistant.Visible = True
                    X.Assistant.Animation = msoAnimationLookUp
            Case ("Move")
                    X.Assistant.Visible = True
                    X.Assistant.Animation = msoAnimationThinking
            Case ("Next")
                    X.Assistant.Visible = True
                    X.Assistant.Animation = msoAnimationLookDownRight
            Case ("Last")
                    X.Assistant.Visible = True
                    X.Assistant.Animation = msoAnimationGestureRight
            Case ("Find")
                    X.Assistant.Visible = True
                    X.Assistant.Animation = msoAnimationSearching
            Case ("Sort")
                    X.Assistant.Visible = True
                    X.Assistant.Animation = msoAnimationGreeting
            Case ("Close")
                        X.Assistant.Visible = True
                        X.Assistant.Animation = msoAnimationGoodbye
                        Set X = Nothing
            Case ("Report")
                    X.Assistant.Visible = True
                    X.Assistant.Animation = msoAnimationListensToComputer
            Case ("Help")
                    X.Assistant.Visible = True
                    X.Assistant.Animation = msoAnimationCheckingSomething
            End Select
End Sub

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