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HTML to VB color converter A must have for web programmers

by Brandon McPherson (2 Submissions)
Category: Internet/HTML
Compatability: Visual Basic 3.0
Difficulty: Beginner
Date Added: Wed 3rd February 2021
Rating: (2 Votes)

I have a program I'm working on right now where the user settings for the app are done on a website. What I didn't realize was that with HTML colours being stored in RRGGBB format, you can't automatically use it in VB, because VB uses the &HBBGGRR format. Here's a little function to bring back the right colour.

Rate HTML to VB color converter A must have for web programmers

Function MakeVBColour(hColor) As Long

' 20010509 BWM - Used to flip the 

' #RRGGBB HTML colour format to the

' VB-style &HBBGGRR format

' Note: the variable 'RED' refers to 'BLUE'

' in HTML, and 'BLUE' refers to 'RED' in HTML.

' There's no standard.

 Dim Red As Long

 Dim Green As Long

 Dim Blue As Long

 Dim sRed As String

 Dim sBlue As String

 Dim sGreen As String

' Fill a long variable with the colour

 hColor = CLng(hColor)

' Separate the colours into their own variables

 Red = hColor And 255

 Green = (hColor And 65280) \ 256

 Blue = (hColor And 16711680) \ 65535

' Get the hex equivalents

 sRed = Hex(Red)

 sBlue = Hex(Blue)

 sGreen = Hex(Green)

' Pad each colour, to make sure it's 2 chars

 sRed = String(2 - Len(sRed), "0") & sRed

 sBlue = String(2 - Len(sBlue), "0") & sBlue

 sGreen = String(2 - Len(sGreen), "0") & sGreen

'reassemble' the colour

 MakeVBColour = CLng("&H" & sRed & sGreen & sBlue)

End Function

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