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Help Secure vbcoders.com: The VBC Hacking Challenge

by Ian Ippolito (vWorker) (14 Submissions)
Category: Miscellaneous
Compatability: Visual Basic 3.0
Difficulty: Beginner
Date Added: Wed 3rd February 2021
Rating: (18 Votes)

Want to help keep your submissions on vbcoders.com as safe as possible from hackers as well as ensure that the voting system can't be manipulated? I am posting this entry up as a 'guinnea pig'. If you can modify it, (while following the rules below), you'll get a free copy of the vbcoders.com Cd for your troubles and the site will be enhanced against future attacks! See below for full details..

Rate Help Secure vbcoders.com: The VBC Hacking Challenge

Rules of the 'PSC Hacking Challenge':

You can win in one of two ways:

  1. If you can modify this submission in any way other than 
     through normal functions given to all site users (i.e. change the # of votes 
     without voting, change the submission title, contents, etc.) then you will win 
     a copy of the Planet Source Code CD.


  3. If you can hack the login system and login as a user other 
     than yourself.  (Note that simply creating 
     multiple logins with multiple email addresses doesn't count--anyone can do 
     To win the Cd, your exploit has to 
     allow you to login as someone else whose account was created with an email 
     address that you don't have access to.

To win the CD you must:

1) Report privately to me how you got around security.  
Send your email to 
[email protected] (note:remove the 'nospam' from the name...that 
is there just to fool email name harvesters)..

2) You can brag about it all you want...but please NOT before 
I've had time to patch the site and post up the new code!

3) You must not hack anything other than this submission. Submissions and feedback/comments are moderated, so you can't hack the site that way anyway. Please don't increase the moderators' work unnecessarily by posting "fake" submissions or feedback/comments.

4) One CD will be awarded to the first discoverer of each 
security hole.

Thanks for helping to make Planet Source Code as secure as it 
can be!

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