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by Michel D. PRET (1 Submission)
Category: Miscellaneous
Compatability: Visual Basic 3.0
Difficulty: Unknown Difficulty
Date Added: Wed 3rd February 2021
Rating: (3 Votes)

This allows a VB program to capture either the screen or the program window.
It has been tested under Win95 and NT4.0. It derives from a routine by Dan Appleman (VisualBasic 5.0 Programmer's Guide to the WIN32 API, page 303) which unfortunately does not work reliably under all conditions. Dan Appleman's exhaustive preliminary tutorial, though, is all it takes to understand the code.

mode - 0 = screen, 1 = window a reference to an image control
'Create a form, define two command controls and an image control, insert the following code: Private Sub Command1_Click() GetWindowSnapShot 0, Image1 End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() GetWindowSnapShot 1, Image1 End Sub
Side Effects
no known side effect
API Declarations
Declare Function MapVirtualKey Lib "user32" Alias "MapVirtualKeyA" (ByVal wCode As Long, ByVal wMapType As Long) As Long
Declare Sub keybd_event Lib "user32" (ByVal bVk As Byte, ByVal bScan As Byte, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long)
Declare Function GetVersionEx Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetVersionExA" _
(LpVersionInformation As OSVERSIONINFO) As Long

Public Const VK_MENU = &H12
Public Const KEYEVENTF_KEYUP = &H2
dwOSVersionInfoSize As Long
dwMajorVersion As Long
dwMinorVersion As Long
dwBuildNumber As Long
dwPlatformId As Long
szCSDVersion As String * 128 ' Maintenance string for PSS usage
End Type

Rate GetWindowSnapShot

'Insert this in a module:

Public Sub GetWindowSnapShot(Mode As Long, ThisImage As Image)
 ' mode = 0 -> Screen snapshot
 ' mode = 1 -> Window snapshot
 Dim altscan%, NT As Boolean, nmode As Long
 NT = IsNT
 If Not NT Then
  If Mode = 0& Then Mode = 1& Else Mode = 0&
 End If
 If NT And Mode = 0 Then
   keybd_event vbKeySnapshot, 0&, 0&, 0&
   altscan = MapVirtualKey(VK_MENU, 0)
   keybd_event VK_MENU, altscan, 0, 0
   keybd_event vbKeySnapshot, Mode, 0&, 0&
 End If
 ThisImage = Clipboard.GetData(vbCFBitmap)
 keybd_event VK_MENU, altscan, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0
End Sub
Public Function IsNT() As Boolean
 verinfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = Len(verinfo)
 If (GetVersionEx(verinfo)) = 0 Then Exit Function
 If verinfo.dwPlatformId = 2 Then IsNT = True
End Function

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