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game of 21

by John (4 Submissions)
Category: Miscellaneous
Compatability: VB 6.0
Difficulty: Unknown Difficulty
Originally Published: Thu 17th May 2007
Date Added: Mon 8th February 2021
Rating: (1 Votes)

game of 21

Rate game of 21

Private Const strPlayer As String = "Player"
Private Const strComputer As String = "Computer"
Private Const strDraw As String = "Draw"

Private Sub cmdDone_Click()
    Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub cmdPlayGame_Click()
    Static intPlayerScore As Integer, intCompScore As Integer, intDrawsScore As Integer
    Dim intPlayerTotal As Integer, intCompTotal As Integer
    'Deal 3 cards to Player
    Call DealCard(imgPlayerCard1, intPlayerTotal)
    Call DealCard(imgPlayerCard2, intPlayerTotal)
    Call DealCard(imgPlayerCard3, intPlayerTotal)
    'Deal 3 cards to Computer
    Call DealCard(imgCompCard1, intCompTotal)
    Call DealCard(imgCompCard2, intCompTotal)
    Call DealCard(imgCompCard3, intCompTotal)
    If Winner(intPlayerTotal, intCompTotal) = strPlayer Then
        lblWinner.Caption = "You won!"
        Call UpdateScore(intPlayerScore)
        Call ShowScore(lblScore, intPlayerScore, intCompScore, intDrawsScore)
    ElseIf Winner(intPlayerTotal, intCompTotal) = strComputer Then
        lblWinner.Caption = "Computer won"
        Call UpdateScore(intPlayerScore)
        Call ShowScore(lblScore, intPlayerScore, intCompScore, intDrawsScore)
        lblWinner.Caption = "It's a draw!"
        Call UpdateScore(intDrawsScore)
        Call ShowScore(lblScore, intPlayerScore, intCompScore, intDrawsScore)
    End If
End Sub

Sub DealCard(ByRef imgCard As Image, ByRef intPlayerTotal As Integer)
    Dim intCardNum As Integer
    intCardNum = Int(10 * Rnd + 1)
    If intCardNum = 1 Then
        imgCard.Picture = LoadPicture("Card1.wmf")
    ElseIf intCardNum = 2 Then
        imgCard.Picture = LoadPicture("Card2.wmf")
    ElseIf intCardNum = 3 Then
        imgCard.Picture = LoadPicture("Card3.wmf")
    ElseIf intCardNum = 4 Then
        imgCard.Picture = LoadPicture("Card4.wmf")
    ElseIf intCardNum = 5 Then
        imgCard.Picture = LoadPicture("Card5.wmf")
    ElseIf intCardNum = 6 Then
        imgCard.Picture = LoadPicture("Card6.wmf")
    ElseIf intCardNum = 7 Then
        imgCard.Picture = LoadPicture("Card7.wmf")
    ElseIf intCardNum = 8 Then
        imgCard.Picture = LoadPicture("Card7.wmf")
    ElseIf intCardNum = 9 Then
        imgCard.Picture = LoadPicture("Card9.wmf")
    ElseIf intCardNum = 10 Then
        imgCard.Picture = LoadPicture("Card10.wmf")
    End If
    intPlayerTotal = intPlayerTotal + intCardNum
End Sub

Function Winner(ByVal intPlayerTotal As Integer, ByVal intCompTotal As Integer) As String
    Const intLimit As Integer = 21
    If (intPlayerTotal = intCompTotal) Or _
       (intPlayerTotal > intLimit And intCompTotal > intLimit) Then
       Winner = strDraw
    ElseIf (intCompTotal > intLimit) Or _
       (intPlayerTotal > intLimit And intCompTotal > intLimit) Then
       Winner = strPlayer
      Winner = strComputer
    End If
End Function

Sub UpdateScore(ByRef intWinner As Integer)
    Const intWinPoints As Integer = 1
    intWinner = intWinner + intWinPoints
End Sub

Sub ShowScore(ByRef lblLabel As Label, ByVal intPlayerScore As Integer, _
ByVal intCompScore As Integer, ByVal intDrawsScore As Integer)
    lblScore.Caption = "You: " & intPlayerScore & vbCrLf _
        & "Computer: " & intCompScore & vbCrLf _
        & "Draws: " & intDrawsScore
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
End Sub

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