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Desktop Clock

by Deepak Saxena (1 Submission)
Category: Miscellaneous
Compatability: VB 6.0
Difficulty: Unknown Difficulty
Originally Published: Wed 28th January 2004
Date Added: Mon 8th February 2021
Rating: (1 Votes)

Desktop Clock

Rate Desktop Clock

Private Sub Command2_Click()
frmClock.Width = 4395
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Call tmrQuartz_Timer
End Sub
Private Sub tmrQuartz_Timer()
Dim Hours As Single, Minutes As Single, Seconds As Single
Dim TrueHours As Single
lblTime.Caption = Time
Hours = Hour(Time)
Minutes = Minute(Time)
Seconds = Second(Time)
TrueHours = Hours + Minutes / 60

' I made all the X1 and Y1 equal in the form
LineHour.X2 = 1000 * Cos(PI / 180 * (30 * TrueHours - 90)) + LineHour.X1
LineHour.Y2 = 1000 * Sin(PI / 180 * (30 * TrueHours - 90)) + LineHour.Y1
LineMinute.X2 = 1500 * Cos(PI / 180 * (6 * Minutes - 90)) + LineHour.X1
LineMinute.Y2 = 1500 * Sin(PI / 180 * (6 * Minutes - 90)) + LineHour.Y1

LineSecond.X2 = 1600 * Cos(PI / 180 * (6 * Seconds - 90)) + LineHour.X1
LineSecond.Y2 = 1600 * Sin(PI / 180 * (6 * Seconds - 90)) + LineHour.Y1
End Sub

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