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Create database, tables, states, countries, format phone, format social security number

by Agbon M. Aitanun (2 Submissions)
Category: Databases/Data Access/DAO/ADO
Compatability: Visual Basic 5.0
Difficulty: Unknown Difficulty
Originally Published: Tue 16th August 2005
Date Added: Mon 8th February 2021
Rating: (1 Votes)

Create database, tables, states, countries, format phone, format social security number

API Declarations

Public WhereIsTheDatabase
Public New_App_Path
Public AppDataBaseFile
Public ass1, ass2
Public ThisOldValue
Public xxLastname As String
Public xxFirstname As String
Public AccessFileName As String
Public Daylimit As Integer
Public Rs_User_file
Public Rs_System_file
Public UserDatabasePath As String
Public Help_Line As Boolean

Rate Create database, tables, states, countries, format phone, format social security number

Public Function FormatTelephone(ByVal TextValue As Integer, LabelText, Textname As Control)
  Dim holdvalue
  holdvalue = ""
    If Trim(LabelText) = "Main Phone #" Or Trim(LabelText) = "Alternate Phone #" Then
      If TextValue <> 8 Then
          If TextValue <> 0 Then
             ' Store user typed value...
             ' =========================
             holdvalue = Chr$(TextValue)
             Textname = Textname & holdvalue
             TextValue = 0   ' Clear the value typed in...
             If Len(Textname.Text) <> 3 Then
                Textname.SelStart = Textname.SelStart + Len(Textname.Text) + 1
             End If
             ' US Telephone number is 10 digits long, excluding dashes...
             ' ==========================================================
             If Len(Textname.Text) = 12 Then  ' With the dashes...
                SendKeys "{TAB}"
             End If
             If Len(Textname.Text) = 3 Then
                 ' Add dash symbol to the end of the text.
                 ' if len of text entered is equal 3
                 ' =======================================
                 Textname.Text = Textname.Text & "-"
                 Textname.SelStart = Textname.SelStart + Len(Textname.Text) + 1
             End If
             If Len(Textname.Text) = 7 Then
                 ' Add dash symbol to the end of the text.
                 ' if len of text entered is equal 7
                 ' =======================================
                 Textname.Text = Textname.Text & "-"
                 Textname.SelStart = Textname.SelStart + Len(Textname.Text) + 1
             End If
          End If
      End If
      If TextValue = 8 Then
           TextValue = 0
           If Textname.Text <> "" Then
               ' Blank the last key, that is, the backspace key.
               ' ===============================================
               Textname.Text = Left(Trim(Textname.Text), Len(Textname.Text) - 1)
               ' Set cursor position to the end of the text.
               ' ===========================================
               Textname.SelStart = Len(Textname.Text)
           End If
      End If
    End If
    FormatTelephone = Trim(Textname.Text)
End Function

' ===============================================
' Function to create or open database and tables.
' ===============================================
Sub Main()
    ' ===========================================
    ' To track help file launch
    Help_Line = False
    ' Create or open database/table...
    ' ________________________________
    Call Open_Or_Create_Databases
End Sub

Public Sub Open_Or_Create_Databases()
  Dim xTblDefaultName As TableDef
  Dim xFldName
  Dim xFldindex As Index
  Dim IdxNewUser
  Dim IdxNew
  Dim strNWpath
  SPLIT_A = ""
  SPLIT_B = ""
  UserDatabasePath = App.Path & "\Taxes_2\Tax_DataBase"
  If Len(Dir(UserDatabasePath, vbDirectory)) <> 0 Then
          ' Open sequential text file for read and write in shared mode
          ' if it was created already...
          ' ====================================
          Dim PrevDir As String, PrevDir1 As String
          If Right(RTrim(App.Path), 1) <> "\" Then
             AccessFileName = App.Path & "\Taxes_2\Tax_DataBase"
             AccessFileName = App.Path & "Taxes_2\Tax_DataBase"
          End If
          Open Trim(AccessFileName) & "\PreviousPath" For Input Shared As #1
          If Not EOF(1) Then
              Line Input #1, PrevDir
              PrevDir1 = PrevDir
              AccessFileName = PrevDir1
          End If
          Close #1
         If Right(App.Path, 1) = "\" Then
            AccessFileName = App.Path & "Taxes_2\Tax_DataBase"
            AccessFileName = App.Path & "\Taxes_2\Tax_DataBase"
         End If
         AccessFileName = Trim(AccessFileName)
         If Trim(AccessFileName) <> 0 Then
            If Left(Trim(AccessFileName), 1) = "\" Then
              AccessFileName = Mid(Trim(AccessFileName), 2, Len(AccessFileName))
            End If
         End If
          ' Prompt user to create database location...
          ' ============================================
          AccessFileName = App.Path & "\Taxes_2"
          If Len(Dir(AccessFileName, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then
             MkDir AccessFileName
             AccessFileName = AccessFileName & "\Tax_DataBase"
             If Len(Dir(AccessFileName, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then
                MkDir AccessFileName
                AccessFileName = Trim(AccessFileName)
                AccessFileName = Trim(AccessFileName)
             End If
             AccessFileName = AccessFileName & "\Tax_DataBase"
             If Len(Dir(AccessFileName, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then
                MkDir AccessFileName
                AccessFileName = Trim(AccessFileName)
             End If
          End If
          ' Remove back slash from the AccessFileName if any...
          ' =====================================================
          If Right(Trim(AccessFileName), 1) = "\" Then
             AccessFileName = Left(Trim(AccessFileName), Len(Trim(AccessFileName) - 1))
          End If
          Open AccessFileName & "\PreviousPath" For Output Shared As #1
          Print #1, LTrim(AccessFileName)
          Close #1
  End If
  If Len(Dir(AccessFileName, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then
         ' ==================================================================
         ' First time use, specify database directory.
         ' ==================================================================
         AccessFileName = Trim(AccessFileName)
         If Trim(AccessFileName) <> 0 Then
            If Left(Trim(AccessFileName), 1) = "\" Then
              AccessFileName = Mid(Trim(AccessFileName), 2, Len(AccessFileName))
            End If
            If InStr(1, AccessFileName, "\", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
                 SPLIT_A = Left(AccessFileName, InStr(1, AccessFileName, "\", 0) - 1)
                 SPLIT_B = Mid(Trim(AccessFileName), Len(SPLIT_A) + 2, Len(Trim(AccessFileName)))
                 If Right(App.Path, 1) <> "\" Then
                    SPLIT_A = "\" & SPLIT_A
                    If Dir(App.Path & SPLIT_A, vbDirectory) = "" Then
                      MkDir (App.Path & SPLIT_A)
                    End If
                    MkDir (App.Path & SPLIT_A)                      ' MKDIR Is VB Built in Function
                 End If
                 If Right(App.Path & SPLIT_A, 1) <> "\" Then
                    AccessFileName = SPLIT_A & "\" & SPLIT_B
                    If Dir(App.Path & AccessFileName, vbDirectory) = "" Then
                         MkDir (App.Path & AccessFileName)                      ' MKDIR Is VB Built in Function
                    End If
                 End If
            ' If user entered 1 sub directory...
            ' =======================================
            ElseIf InStr(1, AccessFileName, "\", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
                 If Trim(AccessFileName) <> "" Then
                      If Right(App.Path, 1) <> "\" Then
                           AccessFileName = "\" & AccessFileName
                           If Len(Dir(App.Path & AccessFileName, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then
                                MkDir (App.Path & AccessFileName)                      ' MKDIR Is VB Built in Function
                           End If
                           If Len(Dir(App.Path & AccessFileName, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then
                                MkDir (App.Path & AccessFileName)                      ' MKDIR Is VB Built in Function
                           End If
                      End If
                 End If
            End If
         End If
         If Left(Trim(AccessFileName), 1) = "\" Then
            New_App_Path = (App.Path & AccessFileName)
            New_App_Path = (App.Path & "\" & AccessFileName)
         End If
         Open New_App_Path & "\Users" For Output Shared As #1
         Close #1
         Open New_App_Path & "\System_File" For Output Shared As #1
         Close #1
  End If

    New_App_Path = Trim(AccessFileName)
    WhereIsTheDatabase = (AccessFileName & "\Taxes.mdb")

    ' Store the directory the user Created above for future use...
    ' ====================================
    Open AccessFileName & "\PreviousPath" For Output Shared As #1
    Print #1, LTrim(AccessFileName)
    Close #1


    If Len(Dir(WhereIsTheDatabase)) = 0 Then

       '================ C R E A T E  S Y S T E M ===============
       ' Get default Workspace.
       Set wrkDefault = DBEngine.Workspaces(0)

       ' Create a new encrypted database with the specified collating order.
       Set AppDataBaseFile = wrkDefault.CreateDatabase(WhereIsTheDatabase, _
                    dbLangGeneral, dbEncrypt)

       ' 0.1. Create System table inside the database.
       Set xTblDefaultName = AppDataBaseFile.CreateTableDef("System_File")
       Set xFldName = xTblDefaultName.CreateField("ID", dbText, 11)
       xFldName.Required = False ' Allow Null value.
       xTblDefaultName.Fields.Append xFldName 'add the field to the table just created.
       xFldName.AllowZeroLength = True

       Set xFldName = xTblDefaultName.CreateField("Department", dbText, 35)
               xFldName.Required = True ' No Null value allowed.
               xTblDefaultName.Fields.Append xFldName 'add the field to the tabledef
               xFldName.AllowZeroLength = True

       Set xFldName = xTblDefaultName.CreateField("Status", dbText, 10)
               xTblDefaultName.Fields.Append xFldName 'add the field to the tabledef
               xFldName.AllowZeroLength = True

       AppDataBaseFile.TableDefs.Append xTblDefaultName  ' Add System_File table to Database.

       Set Rs_System_file = AppDataBaseFile.OpenRecordset("System_file", , adOpenDynamic)

       '================ E N D   O F   S Y S T E M ===============

       '================ C R E A T E   U S E R   T a b l e ===============
       ' 0.2. Create User table inside the database.
       Set xTblDefaultName = AppDataBaseFile.CreateTableDef("User_File")
       Set xFldName = xTblDefaultName.CreateField("Social_Security_No", dbText, 11)
       xFldName.Required = True ' Allow Null value.
       xTblDefaultName.Fields.Append xFldName 'add the field to the table just created.
       xFldName.AllowZeroLength = True

       Set xFldName = xTblDefaultName.CreateField("Salutation", dbText, 4)
               xTblDefaultName.Fields.Append xFldName 'add the field to the tabledef
               xFldName.AllowZeroLength = True
       Set xFldName = xTblDefaultName.CreateField("Last_Name", dbText, 15)
               xTblDefaultName.Fields.Append xFldName 'add the field to the tabledef
               xFldName.AllowZeroLength = True

       Set xFldName = xTblDefaultName.CreateField("Middle_Name", dbText, 15)
               xFldName.Required = False ' No Null value allowed.
               xTblDefaultName.Fields.Append xFldName 'add the field to the tabledef
               xFldName.AllowZeroLength = True

       Set xFldName = xTblDefaultName.CreateField("First_Name", dbText, 15)
               xFldName.Required = False ' No Null value allowed.
               xTblDefaultName.Fields.Append xFldName 'add the field to the tabledef
               xFldName.AllowZeroLength = True

       Set xFldName = xTblDefaultName.CreateField("Nick_Name", dbText, 10)
               xTblDefaultName.Fields.Append xFldName 'add the field to the tabledef
               xFldName.AllowZeroLength = True

       Set xFldName = xTblDefaultName.CreateField("Cell_Phone", dbText, 12)
               xFldName.Required = False ' No Null value allowed.
               xTblDefaultName.Fields.Append xFldName 'add the field to the tabledef
               xFldName.AllowZeroLength = True

       Set xFldName = xTblDefaultName.CreateField("Email_Address", dbText, 30)
               xFldName.Required = False ' No Null value allowed.
               xTblDefaultName.Fields.Append xFldName 'add the field to the tabledef
               xFldName.AllowZeroLength = True

       Set xFldName = xTblDefaultName.CreateField("Web_Site", dbText, 30)
               xTblDefaultName.Fields.Append xFldName 'add the field to the tabledef
               xFldName.AllowZeroLength = True

       Set xFldName = xTblDefaultName.CreateField("Street_Address", dbText)
               xTblDefaultName.Fields.Append xFldName 'add the field to the tabledef
               xFldName.AllowZeroLength = True

       Set xFldName = xTblDefaultName.CreateField("City_Name", dbText, 20)
               xTblDefaultName.Fields.Append xFldName 'add the field to the tabledef
               xFldName.AllowZeroLength = True

       Set xFldName = xTblDefaultName.CreateField("State_Name", dbText, 3)
               xTblDefaultName.Fields.Append xFldName 'add the field to the tabledef
               xFldName.AllowZeroLength = True

       Set xFldName = xTblDefaultName.CreateField("Zip_Code", dbText, 9)
               xTblDefaultName.Fields.Append xFldName 'add the field to the tabledef
               xFldName.AllowZeroLength = True
       Set xFldName = xTblDefaultName.CreateField("County_Name", dbText, 20)
               xTblDefaultName.Fields.Append xFldName 'add the field to the tabledef
               xFldName.AllowZeroLength = True
       Set xFldName = xTblDefaultName.CreateField("Country_Name", dbText, 3)
               xTblDefaultName.Fields.Append xFldName 'add the field to the tabledef
               xFldName.AllowZeroLength = True

       Set xFldName = xTblDefaultName.CreateField("Phone", dbText, 12)
               xTblDefaultName.Fields.Append xFldName 'add the field to the tabledef
               xFldName.AllowZeroLength = True

       Set xFldName = xTblDefaultName.CreateField("Fax", dbText, 12)
               xTblDefaultName.Fields.Append xFldName 'add the field to the tabledef
               xFldName.AllowZeroLength = True

       Set xFldName = xTblDefaultName.CreateField("Date_Created", dbDate)
               xTblDefaultName.Fields.Append xFldName 'add the field to the tabledef
               xFldName.AllowZeroLength = True
       Set xFldName = xTblDefaultName.CreateField("status", dbText, 15)
               xTblDefaultName.Fields.Append xFldName 'add the field to the tabledef
               xFldName.AllowZeroLength = True
       Set xFldName = xTblDefaultName.CreateField("Pay_rate", dbDouble)
               xTblDefaultName.Fields.Append xFldName 'add the field to the tabledef
               xFldName.AllowZeroLength = True
       AppDataBaseFile.TableDefs.Append xTblDefaultName  ' Add User_File table to Database.

       Set Rs_User_file = AppDataBaseFile.OpenRecordset("User_file", , adOpenDynamic)

       '================ C R E A T E   T I M E L O G   T A B L E   F I L E ===============
       ' 0.2. Create the time table inside the database called Time_Log.
       Set xTblDefaultName = AppDataBaseFile.CreateTableDef("Time_Log")
       Set xFldName = xTblDefaultName.CreateField("Social_Security_No", dbText, 11)
       xFldName.Required = True ' Allow Null value.
       xTblDefaultName.Fields.Append xFldName 'add the field to the table just created.
       xFldName.AllowZeroLength = False

       Set xFldName = xTblDefaultName.CreateField("Time_In", dbText)
               xFldName.Required = False ' No Null value allowed.
               xTblDefaultName.Fields.Append xFldName 'add the field to the tabledef
               xFldName.AllowZeroLength = True

       Set xFldName = xTblDefaultName.CreateField("Date_In", dbDate)
               xFldName.Required = False ' No Null value allowed.
               xTblDefaultName.Fields.Append xFldName 'add the field to the tabledef
               xFldName.AllowZeroLength = True

       Set xFldName = xTblDefaultName.CreateField("Time_In_Yes", dbText, 1)
               xTblDefaultName.Fields.Append xFldName 'add the field to the tabledef
               xFldName.AllowZeroLength = True

       Set xFldName = xTblDefaultName.CreateField("Time_Out", dbText)
               xFldName.Required = False ' No Null value allowed.
               xTblDefaultName.Fields.Append xFldName 'add the field to the tabledef
               xFldName.AllowZeroLength = True

       Set xFldName = xTblDefaultName.CreateField("Date_Out", dbDate)
               xFldName.Required = False ' No Null value allowed.
               xTblDefaultName.Fields.Append xFldName 'add the field to the tabledef
               xFldName.AllowZeroLength = True

       Set xFldName = xTblDefaultName.CreateField("Time_Out_Yes", dbText, 1)
               xTblDefaultName.Fields.Append xFldName 'add the field to the tabledef
               xFldName.AllowZeroLength = True

       Set xFldName = xTblDefaultName.CreateField("Time_Total", dbText)
               xTblDefaultName.Fields.Append xFldName 'add the field to the tabledef
               xFldName.AllowZeroLength = True

       Set xFldName = xTblDefaultName.CreateField("Log_Count", dbText)
               xTblDefaultName.Fields.Append xFldName 'add the field to the tabledef
               xFldName.AllowZeroLength = True
       Set xFldName = xTblDefaultName.CreateField("Time_Bonus", dbText)
               xTblDefaultName.Fields.Append xFldName 'add the field to the tabledef
               xFldName.AllowZeroLength = True
       Set xFldName = xTblDefaultName.CreateField("Week_No", dbInteger)
               xTblDefaultName.Fields.Append xFldName 'add the field to the tabledef
               xFldName.AllowZeroLength = True

       AppDataBaseFile.TableDefs.Append xTblDefaultName  ' Add Rs_Time_Log table to Database.

       Set rS_tIme_log = AppDataBaseFile.OpenRecordset("Time_Log", , adOpenDynamic)

       '================ C R E A T E   C O U N T R Y   T a b l e ===============
       ' 0.3. Create the User table inside the database called Country.
       Set xTblDefaultName = AppDataBaseFile.CreateTableDef("Country")
       Set xFldName = xTblDefaultName.CreateField("Country_Code", dbText, 3)
       xFldName.Required = True ' Allow Null value.
       xTblDefaultName.Fields.Append xFldName 'add the field to the table just created.
       xFldName.AllowZeroLength = True

       Set xFldName = xTblDefaultName.CreateField("Country_Name", dbText, 50)
               xTblDefaultName.Fields.Append xFldName 'add the field to the tabledef
               xFldName.AllowZeroLength = True

      AppDataBaseFile.TableDefs.Append xTblDefaultName  ' Add Rs_Time_Log table to Database.

       ' Fill_Country_Names
       ' =================================================================
       Call Fill_Country_Names
       '================ C R E A T E   S t a t e   T a b l e =============
       ' 0.4. Create the State table inside the database.
       Set xTblDefaultName = AppDataBaseFile.CreateTableDef("State")
       Set xFldName = xTblDefaultName.CreateField("State_Code", dbText, 2)
       xFldName.Required = True ' Allow Null value.
       xTblDefaultName.Fields.Append xFldName 'add the field to the table just created.
       xFldName.AllowZeroLength = False

       Set xFldName = xTblDefaultName.CreateField("State_Name", dbText, 40)
               xTblDefaultName.Fields.Append xFldName 'add the field to the tabledef
               xFldName.AllowZeroLength = False
       AppDataBaseFile.TableDefs.Append xTblDefaultName  ' Add Rs_Time_Log table to Database.
       ' Fill_State_Names
       ' =================================================================
       Call Fill_State_Names
       '================ C R E A T E   R A T E   T A B L E ===============
       ' 0.5. Create the Rate table inside the database.
       Set xTblDefaultName = AppDataBaseFile.CreateTableDef("Rate")
       Set xFldName = xTblDefaultName.CreateField("SOCIAL_SECURITY_NO", dbText, 11)
       xFldName.Required = True ' Allow Null value.
       xTblDefaultName.Fields.Append xFldName 'add the field to the table just created.
       xFldName.AllowZeroLength = True

       Set xFldName = xTblDefaultName.CreateField("Rate", dbDouble)
               xTblDefaultName.Fields.Append xFldName 'add the field to the tabledef
               xFldName.AllowZeroLength = True

       Set xFldName = xTblDefaultName.CreateField("Hour_Worked", dbDouble)
               xTblDefaultName.Fields.Append xFldName 'add the field to the tabledef
               xFldName.AllowZeroLength = True
       Set xFldName = xTblDefaultName.CreateField("Yr_To_Dt_Earning", dbDouble)
               xTblDefaultName.Fields.Append xFldName 'add the field to the tabledef
               xFldName.AllowZeroLength = True
       Set xFldName = xTblDefaultName.CreateField("Exemptions", dbDouble)
               xTblDefaultName.Fields.Append xFldName 'add the field to the tabledef
               xFldName.AllowZeroLength = True
       Set xFldName = xTblDefaultName.CreateField("Status", dbInteger)
               xTblDefaultName.Fields.Append xFldName 'add the field to the tabledef
               xFldName.AllowZeroLength = True
       Set xFldName = xTblDefaultName.CreateField("Date_Created", dbDate)
               xTblDefaultName.Fields.Append xFldName 'add the field to the tabledef
               xFldName.AllowZeroLength = True
       AppDataBaseFile.TableDefs.Append xTblDefaultName  ' Add Rs_Time_Log table to Database.
       ' ================================================================
       ' Check for the existence of Inifile.ini file in the app location
       ' if app was previously ran...
       ' ================================================================
       If Len(Dir(New_App_Path & "\IniFile.Ini")) = 0 Then
           Open New_App_Path & "\IniFile.Ini" For Output Shared As #1
           Print #1, "1"
           Close #1
       End If
       '================ E N D   O F   Time_Log   Table    F I L E ===============
        'On Error Resume Next
        'If Dir(WhereIsTheDatabase) <> "" Then
        '    DBEngine.RepairDatabase WhereIsTheDatabase
        'End If
        Set AppDataBaseFile = OpenDatabase(WhereIsTheDatabase, False) ' Open database

        ' On Erorr GoTo fileErroroutput:
        ' ================================================================
        ' Check for the existence of Inifile.ini file in the app location
        ' if app was previously ran...
        ' ================================================================
        If Len(Dir(New_App_Path & "\IniFile.Ini")) = 0 Then
            Open New_App_Path & "\IniFile.Ini" For Output Shared As #1
            Print #1, "1"
            Close #1
        End If

        ' ===============================================================
        ' Open IniFile.ini file in the app location
        ' ===============================================================
        Dim data_x2 As String
        Open New_App_Path & "\IniFile.Ini" For Input Shared As #1
        Do While Not EOF(1)
            If Not EOF(1) Then
                Line Input #1, data_x2
                If Len(data_x2) <> 0 Or data_x2 <> "" Then
                    Daylimit = Val(data_x2)
                    Daylimit = "2"
                End If
            ElseIf EOF(1) Then
                Exit Do
            End If
        Close #1
    End If
End Sub

' Fill Country and codes name in the database table...
' ====================================================
Public Sub Fill_Country_Names()
    Dim rs_Country
    Set rs_Country = _
        AppDataBaseFile.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM Country")
    With rs_Country
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "AF"
            .Fields!("Country_NAME") = "Afghanistan"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "AL"
            .Fields!("Country_NAME") = "Albania"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "DZ"
            .Fields!("Country_NAME") = "Algeria"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "AS"
            .Fields!("Country_NAME") = "American Samoa"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "AD"
            .Fields!("Country_NAME") = "Andorra"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "AO"
            .Fields!("Country_NAME") = "Angola"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "AI"
            .Fields!("Country_NAME") = "Anguilla"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "AQ"
            .Fields!("Country_NAME") = "Antarctica"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "AG"
            .Fields!("Country_NAME") = "Antigua And Barbuda"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "AR"
            .Fields!("Country_NAME") = "Argentina"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "AM"
            .Fields!("Country_NAME") = "Armenia"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "AW"
            .Fields!("Country_NAME") = "Aruba"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "AU"
            .Fields!("Country_NAME") = "Australia"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "AT"
            .Fields!("Country_NAME") = "Austria"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "AZ"
            .Fields!("Country_NAME") = "Azerbaijan"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "BH"
            .Fields!("Country_NAME") = "Bahrain"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "BD"
            .Fields!("Country_NAME") = "Bangladesh"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "BB"
            .Fields!("Country_NAME") = "Barbados"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "By"
            .Fields!("Country_NAME") = "Belarus"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "BE"
            .Fields!("Country_NAME") = "Belgium"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "BZ"
            .Fields!("Country_NAME") = "Belize"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "BJ"
            .Fields!("Country_NAME") = "Benin"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "BM"
            .Fields!("Country_NAME") = "Bermuda"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "BT"
            .Fields!("Country_NAME") = "Bhutan"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "BO"
            .Fields!("Country_NAME") = "Bolivia"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "BA"
            .Fields!("Country_NAME") = "Bosnia And Herzegovina"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "BW"
            .Fields!("Country_NAME") = "Botswana"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "BV"
            .Fields!("Country_NAME") = "Bouvet Island"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "BR"
            .Fields!("Country_NAME") = "Brazil"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "IO"
            .Fields!("Country_NAME") = "British Indian Ocean Territory"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "VG"
            .Fields!("Country_NAME") = "British Virgin Islands"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "BN"
            .Fields!("Country_NAME") = "Brunei Darussalam"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "BG"
            .Fields!("Country_NAME") = "Bulgaria"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "BF"
            .Fields!("Country_NAME") = "Burkina Faso"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "MM"
            .Fields!("Country_NAME") = "Burma"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "BI"
            .Fields!("Country_NAME") = "Burundi"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "KH"
            .Fields!("Country_NAME") = "Cambodia"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "CM"
            .Fields!("Country_NAME") = "Cameroon"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "CA"
            .Fields!("Country_NAME") = "Canada"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "CV"
            .Fields!("Country_NAME") = "Cape Verde"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "KY"
            .Fields!("Country_NAME") = "Cayman Islands"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "CF"
            .Fields!("Country_NAME") = "Central African Republic"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "TD"
            .Fields!("Country_NAME") = "Chad"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "CL"
            .Fields!("Country_NAME") = "Chile"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "CN"
            .Fields!("Country_NAME") = "China"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "CX"
            .Fields!("Country_NAME") = "Christmas Island"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "CC"
            .Fields!("Country_name") = "Cocos (Keeling) Islands"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "CO"
            .Fields!("Country_name") = "Colombia"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "KM"
            .Fields!("Country_name") = "Comoros"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "CD"
            .Fields!("Country_name") = "Congo, Democratic Republic of the"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "CG"
            .Fields!("Country_name") = "Congo, Republic of the"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "CK"
            .Fields!("Country_name") = "Cook Islands"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "CR"
            .Fields!("Country_name") = "Costa Rica"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "CI"
            .Fields!("Country_name") = "Cote d'Ivoire"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "HR"
            .Fields!("Country_name") = "Croatia"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "CU"
            .Fields!("Country_name") = "Cuba"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "CY"
            .Fields!("Country_name") = "Cyprus"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "CZ"
            .Fields!("Country_name") = "Czech Republic"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "DK"
            .Fields!("Country_name") = "Denmark"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "DJ"
            .Fields!("Country_name") = "Djibouti"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "DM"
            .Fields!("Country_name") = "Dominica"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "DO"
            .Fields!("Country_name") = "Dominican Republic"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "TP"
            .Fields!("Country_name") = "East Timor"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "EC"
            .Fields!("Country_name") = "Ecuador"
            .Fields!("Country_code") = "EG"

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