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Command Line Functions

by Peter Rippe (1 Submission)
Category: String Manipulation
Compatability: Visual Basic 3.0
Difficulty: Beginner
Date Added: Wed 3rd February 2021
Rating: (3 Votes)

4 functions to handle command line options...example: yourprogy.exe -F, etc...one of them checks if a commandline option is in the command line....another one creates a commandline set with options...another one removes a specified option from the command line, and return the cmdline...(example: sometext -F, to sometext)...and the last one pulls out the text between 2 options in the commandline, and returns it...so -S blah -E would return just "blah"..can be very usefull...

Code Returns
one of them returns wether the command option specified is in the command line, one returns the command line with a specified option removed, and one returns a generated command line...you specify the input, and what ever options you want. And the last one will pull the text between 2 options and display it.

Rate Command Line Functions

Public Function GetCmdOpt(cmdline As String, optname As String) As Boolean
'Returns True, or False if the option (optname)
'Is inside of the commandline (cmdline).
retval2 = cmdline
retval2 = InStr(retval2, optname)
If retval2 > 0 Then
GetCmdOpt = True
GetCmdOpt = False
End If
End Function
Public Function RemoveOpt(cmdline As String, optname As String) As String
'Removes a option from a commandline specified in 
'cmdline...optname is the option to be removed.
retval1 = cmdstr
retval1 = Replace(retval1, optname, "")
retval1 = Trim(retval1)
RemoveOpt = retval1
End Function
Public Function AddCmdOpt(cmdline As String, optname As String) As String
'Use to add a option to a commandline...not sure
'how usefull that could be, but it might.
inputstr = Trim(inputstr)
inputstr = inputstr & " " & optname
AddCmdOpt = inputstr
End Function
Public Function GetCmdText(cmdline As String, startopt As String, endopt As String) As String
'Returns the text between 2 options specified...the start, and endoption...
'the cmdline option is the input commandline
'...If there is no option(s) specified, it wont do anything..
cmdline = LCase(cmdline)
startopt = LCase(startopt)
endopt = LCase(endopt)
If cmdline <> "" Or startopt <> "" Or endopt <> "" Then
startoptlen = InStr(cmdline, startopt)
endoptlen = InStr(cmdline, endopt)
If startoptlen > 0 Or endoptlen > 0 Then
retval1 = InStr(cmdline, endopt) - InStr(cmdline, startopt)
retval2 = Mid(cmdline, InStr(cmdline, startopt), retval1)
retval2 = Replace(retval2, startopt, "")
retval2 = Trim(retval2)
GetCmdText = retval2
End If
End If
End Function

Example how to use each in a progy:
'Command gets the commandline from your program (myexe.exe thisiscmdmaterial)
retval = GetCmdOpt(Command, "-Test")
If retval = True Then
MsgBox "The Option WAS in the commandline"
MsgBox "The Option WAS NOT in the commandline"
End If
retval = RemoveOpt(Command, "-Test")
MsgBox "The returned commadnline after the option was removed is: " & retval
retval = getcmdtext(Command, "-Start", "-End")
MsgBox "The text between the start,and end option was: " & retval

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