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by MMN-o (1 Submission)
Category: Custom Controls/Forms/Menus
Compatability: Visual Basic 3.0
Difficulty: Intermediate
Date Added: Wed 3rd February 2021
Rating: (19 Votes)

The code changes the form shape to either 'Elliptic', 'Rounded Rectangle', 'Rectangle', 'Polygon' or 'Picture-Shaped'.
In the code you can also see how to COMBINE different shapes, so you can create a very neat interface.
These functions are in my code:
1. Change Form Shape (See above)
2. Nice interface (somewhat like XP I believe)
3. Move and Resize a border-less form (Borderstyle = '0 - None')
4. On Resize - align controls (class module)
5. Text in Pictureboxes
6. EasyMove forms
7. Change Picture Shape
There aren't many comments in the source, but it doesn't have to be either, even a "newbie" will understand what's going on...
Before the code only showed how to change the form's shape, now it also shows how to change shapes of picture-boxes.
In fact, I believe you can change the shape of everything that has a hWnd variable...
I haven't tried it, but I think you can show oval videos too!!! (or polygon or whatever you wish...)
Please vote...
Anyway, here's an FAQ:
Q: Is it simple?
A: Yes!
Q: How simple?
A: Very...
Q: Is this Windows XP or VB.NET?
A: Nope, I used Win98 and VB 6.0
Q: Is all this code made by you?
A: No, but the thanks are in the source.
Q: Are you the best programmer in the world?
A: Who, me?
Thank you for reading this - now download, try out and vote!
(If there's anything that's not working or you wish me to add, please let me know!)
/Mikael Nordfelth
Picture-shaped-form has been renewed, now it's not Niknak's code... (it was quite slow compared to this)

Side Effects
The form will not be restored until the next restart... To (almost) fix this, to like this: In Form_Resize you put a CreateRectangleRgn that is the size of Me.Width and Me.Height

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