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Baxterdattleweezle virus (Fake Virus)

by Oddacon T. Ripper (2 Submissions)
Category: Complete Applications
Difficulty: Advanced
Date Added: Wed 3rd February 2021
Rating: (2 Votes)

scare any friends or someone who needs a good scare! The program does not delete any files and does no other harm then disabling task manager and the mouse. Includes a DOS prompt popup The program stays ontop and after a duration of time you recieve a msgbox that enables the task manager and mouse and ends the program restoring everything. Just for fun, to humiliate someone or get a good laugh or reaction, hehe =)

Dirs.txt is the only input i think. which is a directory listing for the baxterdattleweezle virus. The DOS prompt if you want to call it a input but its in its own module.
if you try and use the program full-screen it will have an error if you have a different resolution screen size, i mean the fire will be in the middle of the program insted of where it should be. i hope you undertsand why this program is a window and not full screen, write me if you have a better way, i know i could imorove but its impressive i believe.
Code Returns
no saving a file or anything, no returns.
Side Effects
probabbly many
API Declarations

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