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Balanced Binary AVL Trees Using Dynamic RAM Allocation

by Herbert Glarner (4 Submissions)
Category: Data Structures
Compatability: VB Script
Difficulty: Advanced
Date Added: Wed 3rd February 2021
Rating: (7 Votes)

Provides any amount of requested memory (as long
as there is available RAM) and associates that
memory with a user-defined alphanumeric key.
Features very fast retrieval in sorted order, even
faster sequential access (in the chronological
order the requests were made).
The alphanumeric keys are associated with a
certain quantity of bytes located at a designated
position in RAM. That RAM is and remains
exclusively reserved for that Key. Via the key the
address can be returned, and also the reserved
bytes at that address. Keys are internally managed
with a balanced binary AVL tree. It is possible to
iterate through the whole collection of keys in
the order in which these keys were created (and
the memory allocated), returning the Key, the
Memory Address and the Size. It is also possible
to access all the Keys in sorted order (ascending
as well as descending). All operations are
considerabily faster than VB's Collection object
(as far as such functions are provided by the

Requires the type library ISHF_Ex.tlb "IShellFolder Extended type Library v1.2" by Brad Martinez.
WARNINGS * Whatever you do with the allocated memory, do not forget to free it ("Set ThisClassesObject = Nothing" will do), or you soon end up with a lot of blocked RAM. * Do not attempt to write data beyond the end of the requested and allocated memory fragment! Chances are you get a crash if you do.

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