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Anyone who has struggled with exporting database records to Excel that exceed the 65,000+ row limit

by David Koopman (11 Submissions)
Category: Databases/Data Access/DAO/ADO
Compatability: VB 6.0
Difficulty: Unknown Difficulty
Originally Published: Wed 7th December 2005
Date Added: Mon 8th February 2021
Rating: (1 Votes)

Anyone who has struggled with exporting database records to Excel that exceed the 65,000+ row limitation, this should be of assistance.

API Declarations

Private CMD As ADODB.Command
Private RS As ADODB.Recordset

Rate Anyone who has struggled with exporting database records to Excel that exceed the 65,000+ row limit

'strSite = "BOS"     for example
RS.PageSize = 65000 'Limit each page to 65000 rows based on Excel limitations
intPageCnt = RS.PageCount 'Recordcount / PageSize will equal number of sheets.
   For intPage = 1 To intPageCnt
       Close #1
       Open strPath & strSite & ").xls" For Output As #1
       strHeader = "BRANCH" & vbTab & "ACCT" & vbTab & "VALUE_DT" & vbTab    & "ENTRY_DT" & vbTab & "CCY" & vbTab & "TRAN_AMT" & vbTab & "CREDIT/DEBIT" & vbTab & "RSN_CD" & vbTab & "RFRNE_NMBR"

   Print #1, strHeader
   RS.AbsolutePage = intPage
   For lngRecord = 1 To RS.PageSize
   strRows = RS!BRANCH & vbTab & RS!ACCT & vbTab & RS!VALUE_DT & vbTab & RS!ENTRY_DT & vbTab & RS!CCY & vbTab & FormatNumber(RS!TRAN_AMT, 2) & vbTab & Right(RS!TRAN_TYP, 1) & vbTab & RS!RSN_CD & vbTab & RS!RFRNE_NMBR
     Print #1, strRows
     If RS.EOF Then Exit For
     Next lngRecord
  Next intPage
  Close #1

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