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an update to my original bounce program has bounce count, plots that follow the ball, start/stop bu

by Lee Carraher (2 Submissions)
Category: Graphics
Compatability: VB 6.0
Difficulty: Unknown Difficulty
Originally Published: Tue 30th October 2001
Date Added: Mon 8th February 2021
Rating: (1 Votes)

an update to my original bounce program has bounce count, plots that follow the ball, start/stop button, reference points, and lines

Rate an update to my original bounce program has bounce count, plots that follow the ball, start/stop bu

Private BoundX As Integer
Private BoundY As Integer
Private circlePosX As Integer
Private circlePosY As Integer
Private isRight As Boolean
Private isDown As Boolean
'Private ValRnd As Byte
Private accumulator As Integer

Private Sub Command1_Click()
If Command1.Caption = "Stop" Then
    Timer1.Enabled = False
    Command1.Caption = "Start"
    Timer1.Enabled = True
    Command1.Caption = "Stop"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
isRight = True
isDown = True
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
Command1.Left = 4
Command1.Top = 4
BoundY = Form1.ScaleHeight - (Shape1.Height / 2) 'greater equals down
BoundX = Form1.Width - (Shape1.Width / 2)
Shape1.Top = circlePosY
Shape1.Left = circlePosX

'write the plots and follow the ball
Label1.Caption = circlePosX / 250
Label2.Caption = circlePosY / 250
Label1.Top = circlePosY + 200
Label1.Left = circlePosX + 200
Label2.Top = (Label1.Top)
Label2.Left = (Label1.Left + Label1.Width)

'centers point in form
Shape2.Left = (BoundX / 2)
Shape2.Top = ((3 / 4) * BoundY)
Shape3.Left = (BoundX / 2)
Shape3.Top = ((1 / 4) * BoundY)

' accumulator bouncer count
Form1.Caption = accumulator
If circlePosX < 1 Or circlePosY < 1 Then
    accumulator = accumulator + 1
End If
If circlePosX > BoundX Or circlePosY > BoundY Then
    accumulator = accumulator + 1
End If

'random number initiate for a wobble effect
'Dim RndMax As Long
'RndMax = 5 'Max value of ValRnd
'ValRnd = (Int(Rnd * RndMax) + 1)

' follow the bouncy ball
        Line1.Y1 = Shape1.Top + (Shape1.Height / 2)
        Line1.X1 = Shape1.Left + (Shape1.Width / 2)
        Line1.Y2 = Shape2.Top + (Shape2.Height / 2)
        Line1.X2 = Shape2.Left + (Shape2.Width / 2)
        Line2.Y1 = Shape1.Top + (Shape1.Height / 2)
        Line2.X1 = Shape1.Left + (Shape1.Width / 2)
        Line2.Y2 = Shape3.Top + (Shape3.Height / 2)
        Line2.X2 = Shape3.Left + (Shape3.Width / 2)
        Line3.Y1 = Shape2.Top + (Shape2.Height / 2)
        Line3.X1 = Shape2.Left + (Shape2.Width / 2)
        Line3.Y2 = Shape3.Top + (Shape3.Height / 2)
        Line3.X2 = Shape3.Left + (Shape3.Width / 2)

'x boundaries
If circlePosX < BoundX And isRight = True Then
    circlePosX = circlePosX + 250 '* (ValRnd)
    isRight = True
    circlePosX = circlePosX - 250 '* (ValRnd)
    isRight = False
    If circlePosX < 1 Then
        isRight = True
       End If
End If

'y boundaries
If circlePosY < BoundY And isDown = True Then
    circlePosY = circlePosY + 250 '* (5 - ValRnd)
    isDown = True
    circlePosY = circlePosY - 250 '* (5 - ValRnd)
    isDown = False
    If circlePosY < 1 Then
        isDown = True
    End If
End If

End Sub

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