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Adding Hours from a schedule. ie.) if you worked from 9:06am to 4:30pm you would use this function

by Timothy Wolfe (1 Submission)
Category: Math/Dates
Compatability: VB 6.0
Difficulty: Unknown Difficulty
Originally Published: Sat 8th November 2003
Date Added: Mon 8th February 2021
Rating: (1 Votes)

Adding Hours from a schedule. ie.) if you worked from 9:06am to 4:30pm you would use this function to find out how many hours you worked.

API Declarations

Dim total As Double

rem these are used by the command button
Dim intime As String
Dim outtime As String

Dim montot As Double

rem these are used by houradder()
Rem Dim mon As String
Rem Dim mono As String
Dim outhour As Integer
Dim inhour As Integer
Dim inmin As Double
Dim outmin As Double
Dim timein As String
Dim timeout As String
Dim temp As String
Dim temptotal As Double

Rate Adding Hours from a schedule. ie.) if you worked from 9:06am to 4:30pm you would use this function

Rem now I'm going to call the houradder function 1 time for an example
Rem and then I'm going to add the totals together as long as the intime is not x
Rem then it will run houradder()

intime = Text1.Text
outtime = Text2.Text
If intime <> "x" Then
temp = houradder(intime, outtime)
montot = total
End If

Text3.Text = montot
tmp = Text3.Text
Text3.Text = Mid(tmp, 1, 5)

End Sub

Function houradder(mon As String, mono As String)

Rem Bring in user input
Rem these are remarked out because I put this code into a function instead of being
Rem code executed by a command button

Rem This is the code for finding out am and pm

temp = Right(mon, 4)
If Right(mon, 2) = "pm" Then
timein = "pm"
timein = "am"
End If

If Right(mono, 2) = "pm" Then
timeout = "pm"
timeout = "am"
End If

Rem Find out whether the times for in & out are 4 or 5 digits so we can
Rem break up minutes and hours

temp = Mid(mon, 2, 1)
If temp = ":" Then
    inmin = Mid(mon, 3, 2)
    inhour = Mid(mon, 1, 1)
    inmin = Mid(mon, 4, 2)
    inhour = Mid(mon, 1, 2)
End If

temp = Mid(mono, 2, 1)
If temp = ":" Then
    outmin = Mid(mono, 3, 2)
    outhour = Mid(mono, 1, 1)
    outmin = Mid(mono, 4, 2)
    outhour = Mid(mono, 1, 2)
End If

Rem now I need to convert PM clocks to 24 hour time and I need to make calculations
Rem relative to a standard hour?

If timeout = "pm" Then
outhour = outhour + 12
End If

If timein = "pm" Then
inhour = inhour + 12
End If

Rem Now I need to convert the time in minutes to minutes accrued.

inmin = 60 - inmin

Rem Now I'm ready to add the minutes & convert them to a number

temptotal = inmin + outmin
temptotal = temptotal / 60

Rem Now I need to take into account the differences in AM and PM when adding hours
Rem So I'll make a a different case for each combination that needs to be treated
Rem differently

Rem If you clock in and out in the AM
If timein = "am" Then
    If timeout = "am" Then
        total = outhour - inhour - 1
    End If
End If

Rem If you clock in AM and out PM
If timein = "am" Then
    If timeout = "pm" Then
            If outhour = 24 Then
            outhour = 12
            End If
        total = outhour - inhour - 1
    End If
End If

Rem If you clock in PM and out PM
If timein = "pm" Then
    If timeout = "pm" Then
        If outhour = 24 Then
        outhour = 12
        End If
            If inhour = 24 Then
            inhour = 12
            End If
                If total = 1 Then
                total = outhour - inhour
                total = outhour - inhour - 1
                End If
    End If
End If

Rem If you clock in PM and out AM
If timein = "pm" Then
    If timeout = "am" Then
        outhour = outhour + 12
        inhour = inhour - 12
        total = outhour - inhour - 1
    End If
End If

Rem if the result is negative & both punch in and
Rem out are the same then add 24 to result

If total < -1 Then
    If timein = timeout Then
        total = total + 24
    End If
End If

Rem minutes = inmin + tuem + wedm + thum + frim + satm
Rem minutes = minutes / 60

Rem total = mon + tue + wed + thu + fri + sat + minutes
Rem total = Mid(total, 1, 4)

total = total + temptotal

End Function

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Adding Hours from a schedule. ie.) if you worked from 9:06am to 4:30pm you would use this function Comments

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