by Tony Bhimani (1 Submission)
Category: OLE/COM/DCOM/Active-X
Compatability: Visual Basic 5.0
Difficulty: Intermediate
Date Added: Wed 3rd February 2021
Rating: (4 Votes)
This project is very similar to AspExec. It is a DLL that can be used through ASP, ColdFusion, or an EXE. It creates a process and captures the stdout and/or stderr output from that process. This does not use the > redirection to send data to a temp file.
The project includes the source for the COM DLL and examples of using it in a VB program, ASP, and ColdFusion.
Please read the Readme.txt file in the zip for full documentation.
Required: Application path and/or name to shell.
Optional: Parameter string to pass to the shelled application and window state (0=hide 1=show)
Code Returns
stdout and/or stderr from the created process. This is stored in a VB string and returned to the calling procedure.
Side Effects
None that I know of.
Download ActiveX DLL (COM) Shell Programs and Capture Stdout (13 KB)