by Ed Daniel (2 Submissions)
Category: OLE/COM/DCOM/Active-X
Compatability: VB Script
Difficulty: Advanced
Date Added: Wed 3rd February 2021
Rating: (10 Votes)
UPDATED 8/16 A turnkey ActiveX DLL that allows you to REALLY embed VBA style scripting into your application. With built-in code editor and events. Must see to appreciate. You can use early OR late binding and still process realtime events. A lot of code came from this site for some of the support objects. VBC has been such a great help to me for many years, but I've never submitted anything before.
VBScript is a powerful tool, but why embed it into your application UNLESS there is a way to really control it AFTER you deploy your application. With this, you could either let users create their own code OR create customer-specific validation/processing/complete subsystems
POST deployment. Enjoy and please give me feedback (positive or negative) all welcomed. Open the Group Project in the TestHarness folder and run.
Download A ScriptMagic DLL (161 KB)