by dcroft
Category: Windows API Call/Explanation
Compatability: Visual Basic 3.0
Difficulty: Intermediate
Date Added: Wed 3rd February 2021
Rating: (15 Votes)
This is an update to code I posted Yesterday. The sole purpose of this code is to allow you to use a free ISP, without the wasted desktop\browser space of ad banners. In the previous app the banner was hidden using Win API Functions. This worked except the banner ad people have hard coded there Banner Apps to stay on top at all times. Hence, the code to hide the banner had to be executed
over and over again causing the "Hider" App to canstantly execute code. THis Method Minimizes the banner... THe banner will still be on top, but it will only be a title bar that you can position in the "White SPace" of the Browser toolbar. No adds will be displayed. YOu will not even know it's there.