by Peter Wilson (25 Submissions)
Category: Graphics
Compatability: VB Script
Difficulty: Advanced
Date Added: Wed 3rd February 2021
Rating: (43 Votes)
Learn how to create your own 3D graphics library without using OpenGL or DirectX, just pure VB code. Watch the scripted introduction complete with sound track! Walk or Fly around a 3D environment in a similar style to popular 1st person shooting games like Quake, Unreal Tournament and FarCry. Use a combination of the keys and mouse to look around just like you would in the professional games. The core 3D programming and is very stable; it won't change too much in the future, so this would be a good project to get familiar with. Comments are everywhere. If this 3D application is too complex for you, look up my previous work, especially "A 3D Lesson v2, Very Simple". If you have a SoundBlaster Live! card, make sure you turn on some Reverb to fully appreciate the soundtrack!