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Unknown Difficulty VB Code Page 3 of 114

A Handle Tree Creator
A Happy New Year label that moves across the screen and appears wherever you click the screen.
A high level encryption algorithm! the bigger the key ppl, the more secure your data will be!
A huge tip: Visual Basic Scripting Host
A Key Logger
A label's caption displays text as you type in to a text box
A Line Follows You Where Your Mouse Goes
A list of advanced features using the webbrowser control.
A list of Api calls
A little Color Spy program that displays the color/values of the pixel under the mouse.
A little wait and error code to go at the beginnig of a game
A login thing
a magic 8 ball program
A Mini Movie Player using the Microsoft Multimedia Control (msdxm.ocx) Instructions included to put
A Mini Mp3 Player.
A miniature wave player using an API Call
a modification of the microsoft code for using MS Word as a spelling/grammer checker. I found the M
A module to connect to a MySQL Database using MyODBC 3.51
A mouse module, FINALLY Move,click, +more
A much more probabilistically accurate random number generation function for the domain of 1..N. Th
A Multi User Chat Example by Jon Cromer
A multi-line tooltiptext Example. No API Calls, two very small function. Easy to incorporate into a
A Must Have .bas File For VB Programming
A must have Send HTML headers.
a neat little image clip...flashes different images like you see on websites
a new function for vb6 that reverse any string - one line of code -
A newbie VB programmer, asking how to put my VB projects into my website...Please help me, email me
A nice class wrapper around the INIFile functions
A nifty littel password generator
A Non-CapsSensetive Way To Find String One Inside The String Two And Replace It With String Three.
A Non-Repeating Random Number Generator
a non-vector ball bounce script that accounts for form size changes
A one line call to populate either a combo box or a list box with the results of a recordset genera
A one-liner...finds string and replaces with another. I used for replacing mapped drive with full p
A Palendrome Program
A Password Verifier
A Picture Viewer with Zoom/NoZoom and Rotation Techniques
a piece of code for a game
A powerful, and easy to use 'Split' function clone
A program that controls a remote computer
A program to read numberical input from a text file and prints the sum, the average, the largest an
A Progress Bar with timer
A puzzle. Add your own pictures.
A quick sample showing how to send an email with Visual Basic
A randomize function that allows you to specify the high and low number.
A really annoying program that randomly beeps!
A rolodex for keeping track of employee's records. acts like a miniature database.
A Second Basic Note On Good Programming For Biggners
A selection of useful maths functions
A series of functions that aid client side validation for things like social security numbers. Only
A simple 1 line of code how to copy file
A simple and good text viewer